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  1. K

    Dusty White Aquarium

    Before every 2 weeks and water seemed pretty clear But now I am doing every week and vacuuming bottom every 2-3 days as I think that I might have disturbed the bio system after removing substrate.
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    Dusty White Aquarium

    Thanks that's helpful, But is there a way out to this ? shall i put substrate back. Since substrate removed, I have notice ammonia levels fluctuating and I have to do water change weekly.
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    Dusty White Aquarium

    Hi, For Past few weeks every time I do water change, next morning I see Dusty White Aquarium. Specially the wood goes white and the glass. I do 25% water change in 1-2 weeks time in 180l aquarium with 50% RO water and 50% Tap Water as Tap Water is very hard in my county. I have not added any...
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    Discus Pair Breeding

    Thanks for the great advice. I noticed that all the egg tumblers says it's for Cichlids. I will let them as it is then..
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    Discus Pair Breeding

    Thanks guys, as suspected Eggs did not hatch and mother ate them all, then 2 days ago she laid eggs again and pair tried to aerate them but at the end they ate the eggs again. My LFS guy said get an egg tumbler and move the eggs in separate small tank until they hatch...Do you know if this is a...
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    Discus Pair Breeding

    First of all I have 4 Discus (2 Female & 2 Male) along with 1 Bolivian Ram, 5 Tetras & a Pleco. I am lucky enough that 2 discus have formed a pair and laid eggs. It's super exciting for me as having Discus pairing up and breeding would be like golden prize for me. But since I am new to the...
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    4 Dead Fishes In A Day

    I suppose you were right, I have checked pH and it was high 8.2 as compared to 7.2 previously I had. I went to LFS and the guy said 8.2 is normal here in this city, so I have got some med that lowers pH for now before fishes can acclimatize...But I hope my fishes do get acclimatize...btw with pH...
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    4 Dead Fishes In A Day

    I have not checked pH yet but i thought if fishes are doing fine in hospital tank (with same tap water) then its pH should be fine too in main tank (not to mention i keep bogwood too to lower pH). Fishes didn't show any particular symptoms particularly those died, even dead i couldnt see any...
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    4 Dead Fishes In A Day

    Hi,   I have got 180L Cycled tank for couple of years now. Due to change of Job, I had to move to different city last week, so decided to put my fishes in small hospital tank & empty the main tank and move to the new place. I know what you guys will be thinking but it wasn't possible for me to...
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    Fish Pregnant Or Sick

    The Tank is probably more than a year old and I guess i had cychlid pair for more than 6-8 months now. I have not added any new fish recently, not in last 2 months
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    Fish Pregnant Or Sick

    I am not sure what you mean from pristine water? Anyway I have changed water, trying to feed her mashed peas but I don't think she is eating much or at all.   Yes dropsy maybe, I have treated water with "interpret anti internal bacteria" which explains pretty much same, what my cichlid is going...
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    Fish Pregnant Or Sick

    No She is slow and staying in corner    I will try to get the picture from above. Yes you are right they lay eggs but since I never had experience so I didn't know if they get fat before laying eggs.. I test water through the liquid drops, Ammonia is 0.25ppm, Nitrite 0ppm & Nitrate is slightly...
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    Fish Pregnant Or Sick

    Hi Guys,   Just need an advise, my Keyhole Cichlid has recently gone fat, just wondering if she is pregnant or sick ?    All Ammonia, Nitrites & Nitrates are normal. Say if Cichlid is pregnant, how do I make sure cichlid fry will survive as I have 2 grown angels that I worry that will try to eat...
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  20. K

    Anyone Selling Community Fish In Wellingborough Area?

    I have a RTS to give away free, if interested.
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    Cichlid Not Swimming Properly

    Hi I recently added a pair of Keyhole cichlids in my 180L tank with Angel, Gourami & blue rams. And just after 2 days, yesterday I noticed one of the cichlid isn't swimming properly, infact having difficulty in swimming. Rest of the fishes seem fine, I test water every week and do regular water...
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    Swim Bladder Problems

    I am not expert but what I read about swim bladder, there is not much you can do. However, if you wish to use salt or interpret it would make sense to move it to another tank, I guess.
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    How Long Can Fish Live Without Food?

    They do have quarantine tank/hospital tank to treat sick fishes so may be they can keep fish for few days as well. Just a thought, definitely not free though.
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    How Long Can Fish Live Without Food?

    How about LFS, try asking them if they can keep your fish for few days while you are away ? 
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    Fishes Swimming At The Top Of The Tank

    Yes it's the same one I have got. So you reckon I should separate this from other fishes or shall I wait? As I don't know if it has aged and started sucking the slime coat of the fish... 
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    Fishes Swimming At The Top Of The Tank

    I can't view the picture of algae eater..
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    External Filter Or Internal Filter

    External filter it is then, seems like it's the popular choice.
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    External Filter Or Internal Filter

    Guys which filter would you recommend, External or Internal? I have bioflow 3.0 comes with Juwel tank and external fluval 205 filter. So I am wondering which filter shall I use in my new tank? I heard external filters are more effective but since fluval 205 isn't new so I am thinking is it worth...
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    Fishes Swimming At The Top Of The Tank

    Thanks all for the help. Fortunately fishes are now doing fine. I found ammonia level was high (i.e. 4), so I used ammonia remover and changed water 20-30% every 2nd day and it worked.  Also feeding less, twice a day...   About Algae eater, I am not sure its chinese one. It's golden algae eater...
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    Fishes Swimming At The Top Of The Tank

    Thanks for the feedback. I have ordered the Api testing kit and will have it soon to test water. Tank is about 130-140litres with 5-6 adult mollies, around 15-20 young mollies probably 4-6 weeks, 12-15 fry, 2 baby angelfishes & 1 algae eater (don't know exact name, it's golden one). Tank has...
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    Fishes Swimming At The Top Of The Tank

    Hi Guys, Apologies if such issue is discussed before. I have recently moved from Cold Water to Tropical Water Tank which I bought from someone including Molly fishes.   Since I have setup my tank, I have noticed fishes mostly swimming at the top of the tank. I have searched internet & people...