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  1. F

    Molly Tank Crashing? Help!

    I just don't have the time or the money.  I'm just going to leave the tank alone and let it sort itself out.  If they die then oh well I guess.  This is my final post.  I'm 99.9% sure they'll live because they're doing just fine and some of the levels are actually down on the tank.  I won't be...
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    Molly Tank Crashing? Help!

    My fish have always been fine.  The tanks have always been pristine and even when we change the water it barely kicks anything up- and we mix up the gravel to get to the bottom.  The levels of nitrates, nitrites, and pH in the tanks have always been great with only minor fluxes.  I've had all...
  3. F

    Molly Tank Crashing? Help!

    Look, I'm sorry but water changes just aren't happening more than maybe once a month.  Until now we've never had any problems with doing one 20% water change bi-anually.  This is all that is possible right now.
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    Molly Tank Crashing? Help!

    I understand that, but the soonest we can do a water change is this weekend.
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    Molly Tank Crashing? Help!

    Okay, so my mom is home and we have talked about what to do and here is our complete plan of action:   For the ten gallon- put 1/4 tablespoon of aquarium salt in each morning, put recommended amount of ammo lock in tank every other day.  Do a ~20% water change this weekend... maybe.  Add a few...
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    New Tank

    I'm just going to leave the tank setting up to my mom.  She's always done it in the past and done it pretty well.
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    Molly Tank Crashing? Help!

    Yeah, it was a sad day... but when I go to the lake I still sometimes see one or two.   UPDATE   I tested the water and... Nitrates: 160ppm Nitrites: somewhere in between 5 and 10 ppm maybe like 8 ppm? pH: 6.5 KH: 80 ppm GH: 180 ppm   All fish still seem okay, no white ammonia burns or red gils...
  8. F

    Molly Tank Crashing? Help!

    Meeresstille- I know that, but she just gets really fed up sometimes.  Thats what she did with my guppies a long time ago.
  9. F

    Molly Tank Crashing? Help!

    I'll suggest that to my mom.  I don't know when she'll want to go to LFS though because it is a little bit away.  Maybe I can get my grandpa to take me on thursday.   I also have to bring the dead fish back anyways, so I'll be going in the next 2-10 days no matter what.
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    Molly Tank Crashing? Help!

    Sophie- I don't really have a way to test for ammonia.  I only have the strips. I doubt my mom will spend the money to buy the liquid test kit.  She's pretty fed up with all of this and just wants to dump the mollies in the lake and get gouramis.
  11. F

    Molly Tank Crashing? Help!

      Thank you so much for that!  It'll definitely be helpful!
  12. F

    New Tank

    I don't know.  It's always worked in the past.  I'm just kind of thinking of bringing the most of the mollies back to the LFS and when the fry grow up bring most of them to the LFS too.  I don't really want to because I've grown to like them, but ... I don't know.  I forgot how much trouble...
  13. F

    Molly Tank Crashing? Help!

    Okay, I'll do the first one tonight when my mom gets home because I have no clue where the bucket is or if its clean or how to clean it or what to do with the old water.  Should I add more salt in the meantime? 
  14. F

    Molly Tank Crashing? Help!

    TLM- Of course!  That was the first thing I did!   I added 1/4 of a tablespoon because that is roughly equal to 4 grams (according to google  )
  15. F

    Molly Tank Crashing? Help!

    Okay, back.  So gramps couldn't bring me to the LFS but I have a good bit of ammo lock left so I think I'll be okay.  Just tested the water and the stats are: Nitrates: 160ppm Nitrites: 10ppm pH: 6.5 KH: 80ppm GH: 180ppm   So the nitrates have gone down a little bit according to the test strips...
  16. F

    Molly Tank Crashing? Help!

    daizeUK- I don't think it will be because I am home 24/7 (because of my illness I can't go to school, school comes to me haha) and I'm pretty sure my grandfather will help me with getting the supplies and doing the water changes.  I'm sure my mom will come around, she's just super grumpy today...
  17. F

    Molly Tank Crashing? Help!

          So to answer your questions: -She hasn't changed the water in either of the tanks in at least 6 months -It could be old tank syndrome, that sounds a lot better then some other things google had come up with last night -Since I am now in charge of the tank I'm not sure how often I can do...
  18. F

    Molly Tank Crashing? Help!

    TLM- I wonder if that is the case.  I know theres fluoride in the water but I don't know if thats harmful.  I'll check up on that, thanks!   Sophie- Yes, I have a 35 gallon tank coming in a few days.  That may be possible as well.  Anyways, they won't have to stay in the tiny tank for too much...
  19. F

    Molly Tank Crashing? Help!

    Thank you guys!  The fish are all doing pretty okay, and I know that ammonia can cause burns, but none of them are showing white splotches and their gills seem normal too.  The fry are all okay as well.  I think it may be crisis adverted, but I'll keep you guys updated!
  20. F

    Molly Tank Crashing? Help!

    Okay.  I'll do that.  I think I'll mix it with a little bit of tank water first.     Also, my mom is now refusing to help me with the mollies and water changes because all she wanted was "a few pretty fish in the 10 gallon, not a new tank and a bunch of work" so it looks like I'm on my own.  ...
  21. F

    Molly Tank Crashing? Help!

      Yeah, thats it... how should I use it?  Direct into the tank or into water for a water change or both?
  22. F

    Molly Tank Crashing? Help!

    The filter was left running when there were no fish for those 5 days.  And I did read the cycling article, twice.   I don't think we have any water conditioner... I'm pretty sure my mom just leaves the water out for a few days.  She's had fish for 30+ years, and so I just go along with what she...
  23. F

    Molly Tank Crashing? Help!

        How do I de-chlornate water?  I have a 1 gallon jug with water that my mom de-chlornated but I don't know how. I'll try to talk my mom into an ammonia test kit. The tank was empty for about 5 days.  Prior to that it had a single angel fish in it for over 5 years and never had a problem...
  24. F

    Molly Tank Crashing? Help!

    Okay, so I'll put 4g of aquarium salt in.  I do have the test strips.  The tank is over 5 years old and is very mature.     For water changes, what type of water do I put back in?  My mom always does them.... and the test strips don't tell me what the ammonia is.  my mom probably won't agree to...
  25. F

    New Tank

    the schedule I've always followed is:   day one- set it up and add water, filter and heater are running day two or three- check water, add plants day three, four, and five- check water, tweak as necessary day six or seven- add a fish or two   thats what I've always done and never had a fish...
  26. F

    Molly Tank Crashing? Help!

    Hello all.  This may or may not sound like an emergency, but I've never had this happen.   Heres the back story, you can skip it, but it may help determine whats wrong:   Okay, so I recently got 5 mollies from my LFS and they said they'd be fine in a 10 gallon.  Next day theres 30 fry, and 30...
  27. F

    Live Plant Questions

    Swords are massive!  I have one that takes up at least 70% of my 20 gallon!  But they sure are beautiful!  And as long as your fish can swim around without getting tangled up, lots of plants are fine.
  28. F

    Guppy Issue

    you are quite welcome... unfortunateatly if he's swimming and eating normal, and this is new, I really don't know what it is.  It could just be constipation or bloating, but don't take my word on it!  Lol, I'd see what the other (more experienced) members have to say.  Sorry I couldn't be of...
  29. F

    Fish Stock Compatibility Advice

      Ahh, yeah mine got to be about 7 inches and boy could they jump!  I figured they needed a bigger tank, but wow!! thats huge! Thanks on clarifying that for the OP!!     {edit: quote didn't show up first time}
  30. F

    New Tank

    Sophie- The article you linked to, I've always done that, only in a weeks time and when I test the water the readings are great and none of the fish have died.
  31. F

    New Tank

    Alright, I'll do that.   Lillefishy- the 10 gallon is fully cycled (its like 5 years old).  So when I get the new tank I can put the "cycled media" in the new filter and then put my 5 adult mollies in?     Should I leave the fry in the 10 gallon until I'm 100% sure its safe?
  32. F

    New Tank

    Awh alright.. I guess if it comes down to it I'd rather have the fry live.  How do I transfer the filter media?  And I'm keeping the gravel in the 10 gallon tank because I'm going to get a small fish or two or maybe a betta for it.  Approximately how long would the cycle take?     Every time...
  33. F

    New Tank

      Hello,      So I just purchased a 35 gallon tank online and it should be to my house in the next 3-5 days.   I bought it to upgrade my mollies so I can actually let them breed a little.        My question is: can I just put my current mollies and frys (fries, IDK  ) into a bucket of sorts...
  34. F

    Guppy Issue

    he's definitely a boy (note the pointy anal fin)   a few questions: has he always looked like that? if not, have you been feeding him more lately? has he been swimming weirdly?
  35. F

    Fish Stock Compatibility Advice

    I had three in with my tigers, but they bullied one so bad I had to give him his own tank, one went into hiding, and the other died... so I'd advise against it.
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    Fish Stock Compatibility Advice

    I've kept tiger barbs with blue and gold gouramis and they left each other alone, I also had bala sharks (but they were a pain and I'm not sure if you'd want them), cichlids, and some sort of tetra I cant remember all in the tank with the tigers and they left them all alone as long as there were...
  37. F

    Help! Need Answers For Pregnant Platy!

    Then she's ready to drop.  You should expect fry in a few days!  It's up to you wether or not to use the breeding box.
  38. F

    Help! Need Answers For Pregnant Platy!

    Is her abdomen square-like?  it should look like the stomach drops directly down from the gills and anal fin... if so then she'll have her fry in a few days to a week.  But, honestly, I'd just leave her in the tank and let nature take its course, otherwise you'll soon be over run with fry.
  39. F

    New Tank For The Mollies And Fry Questions

    Okay, so I bid on the 35 gallon bow front, AND WON!!! So I'll be getting it in between thursday and saturday (3-5 days).  Hopefully its big enough.
  40. F

    Newbie With A Question.

    I recently learned that it depends on the fish.  So depending on what type of fish you want and how many you want, that will determine what size tank you need.  But bettas need at least 2.5 gallons and 5 gallons or larger is best I'd say.