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The October FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  1. ADW1988

    Nutrients - The Nutrient Company

      Cool, yh I was looking at the Tropica stuff.. Comes with good recommendation from what I've read. I'm planning on having a heavy planted tank in due course but will be moderate to start with.. I'm not overstocked so may start on the one without and go on to the complete. Just want to get...
  2. ADW1988

    Nutrients - The Nutrient Company

          cool thanks will bear that in mind and believe I will go for the TNC complete that contains the Nitrate and phosphate... my tank is already cycled so will be just changing the scape.   Thanks for the help all..
  3. ADW1988

    Nutrients - The Nutrient Company

      Thanks Firearms
  4. ADW1988

    Nutrients - The Nutrient Company

      ahh ok cool thanks, so I can assume that the readings I get are right.. I wouldn't want to add Nitrate to already high Nitrates I imagine
  5. ADW1988

    Nutrients - The Nutrient Company

    Sunday is the day I will be carrying out the long- awaited overhaul of my tank. Lots of deliberation and planning has gone into it to ensure I get it right.   I'm going to have a moderate to heavy planted tank with bogwood.   My Nitrates are high according to my API test kit (solution based kit)...
  6. ADW1988

    Water Changes With Real Plants

        what a brilliant read and debate. (sorry to Mitch posting on your thread)   I'm just about to start planting in my 60L tank and read about the Walstad method.. My it scared me! I just couldn't put my finger on it and I found so much contradiction (prob helped if I bought the actual book!!)  ...
  7. ADW1988

    Injured Zebra Danio

    I would say the best advice I could give is keep the water as clean as possible till healed.. Lots of water changes should help. Im no expert in fish A&E but have seen this said elsewhere.. I'm sure someone could recommend further advice
  8. ADW1988

    Api Ammonia Test

      absolutely this.. Natural daylight and hold away from the card.
  9. ADW1988

    Hello A Newbie Starter Question

      Hows the cycle going?
  10. ADW1988

    How Often Do You Feed Your Fish

    Yup once a day.. I do a water change on a Sunday morning & Wednesday is a fasting day.
  11. ADW1988

    Female Betta Trapped In Flower Pot!

    Sorry for your loss.. Did everything you possibly could.
  12. ADW1988

    Made The Leap To Microworms

      shouldn't they be called "flews" hehe.. sorry couldn't resist
  13. ADW1988

    My Sailfin Molly(Male) Is Sitting In Bottom Of The Tank After Water Ch

    Hey there,   If you get the water stats and post them up could give a clearer picture. How long has the tank been running>? What size the tank is and what are the tank mates?
  14. ADW1988

    Silence Of The Hamsters

    Picture 2 is fantastic!!
  15. ADW1988

    Securing Moss/plants On Wood

    Thanks Daize and Diddlebug will give that all a go.   I think I found some fishing line still attached to the coconut so maybe the did use that...   Cheers for all advice..
  16. ADW1988

    Securing Moss/plants On Wood

    brilliant, thanks very much
  17. ADW1988

    Securing Moss/plants On Wood

      cool thanks, can that be used to attach java moss? moss seems a bit flimsy and not much to attach to
  18. ADW1988

    Securing Moss/plants On Wood

      thanks very much.. Any type of superglue? or are all types aquarium safe ?
  19. ADW1988

    Hello A Newbie Starter Question

      Did you change units to cm's? .. I just used your measurements and got 64L   Litres - 64 Desired PPM - 3PPM (5 is unnecessarily high 3PPM is more than enough). The % of ammonia in that one says 9-10% on the label so I left it at 9.5% Gives you 2ml of ammonia solution needed.   You may need a...
  20. ADW1988

    Securing Moss/plants On Wood

    Hi all,   I bought a lovely coconut shell with java moss on a while ago.. It grew so well and very quickly I had to trim it.. Idiot me put it in my waste water from a water change to get out the loose strands I've just cut. I then forgot about it in there and vigorously threw away the water and...
  21. ADW1988


      hey aaron, I got some from the same seller on ebay.. Nice pieces aren't they.. Mine is soaking now...   How does yours look now??
  22. ADW1988

    Bogwood Or Red Moor Wood?

    I like both but never had the bravery to buy... BUT I have just received a beautiful piece of red moor wood.. Its prob a touch big for my 60 L but it's interesting.. It's soaking atm but found it on ebay...   If you're willing to look hard and search up and down, theres som fantastic pieces..  ...
  23. ADW1988

    Hello A Newbie Starter Question

      you will, honest... the Cycling page in my signature is really good and if you get stuck or need any clarification on any of the steps, stick it in the Cycling your tank forum section, or of course on this thread. Best of luck..   While cycling, you might see no change for a bit - that is fine...
  24. ADW1988

    Hello A Newbie Starter Question

      Funny, that, as Safe Start is one of the ones that I hear good things about.     As have I which is why I went for it and by all accounts it's worked for some.. I'm just one case where it didn't :(
  25. ADW1988

    Hello A Newbie Starter Question

      you can still add it if you like but most are redundant and depend on shelf life etc and other variables... I'm not too clued up on the science behind the filter starts tbh... all I know is my Tetra Safe start didn't work.
  26. ADW1988

    Hello A Newbie Starter Question

      No honestly I was the same.. It's daunting new territory and there is so much to know so ask away..   No point putting fish food in as an ammonia source as you cant measure what ammonia content you'll be adding.. It can also cloud the tank..   As you're in the UK you can get normal household...
  27. ADW1988

    Hello A Newbie Starter Question

    Hey there,   You've come to the right place for help.. Check out my signature at the bottom of post for the link to cycling tanks.. 'Fishless cycle" I recommend you follow this.   I did and took no more than 3.5 weeks. Its worth the wait honestly and then you have full piece of mind. I'm not a...
  28. ADW1988

    Mold On Emergent Driftwood!

        literally just googled it but the Walstad method, is that to replace a cycle or would the tank be cycled alrteady? .. Just out of interest, :)..   Sorry have no idea on the mould so no input from me but funnily enough I just bought some wood yesterday and some may poke out the top... May...
  29. ADW1988

    Complete Overhaul Of 60 L Tank

      Thanks so much Dougie... Really helpful..   Certainly will post a before and after.. Going to buy all the bits and bobs... got my eye on a nice piece of wood. and the sand then will get going...   Cheers for the advice...
  30. ADW1988

    Complete Overhaul Of 60 L Tank

    I'm going for a complete overhaul of my tank. (Ive actually started a previous thread regarding substrate change, so apologies, hope this isn't too much of a duplicate)   ATM I have a 60L Marina tank with you run of the mill Pets at home décor. It's great but fancy a change for the better of my...
  31. ADW1988

    Homemade Filter Pad

      thanks very much, most helpful..   I'm planning a mass re-structure of my tank, but don't want to do too much at one time...   You learn new stuff everyday about keeping an aquarium.. is great
  32. ADW1988

    Homemade Filter Pad

      I have a Marina S15 (I think) filter with cartridges (which Marina try and get you to change EVERY MONTH!!! >:( as a cash cow - hehe) where the ceramics etc are with the floss held together on a plastic cartridge...   I've seen people make their own filters with the casing and sponges with the...
  33. ADW1988

    Friends Now Fighters!

       It's the Mickey Mouse platy. It's really going for the yellow hi fin. Just caught it sucking up it's fin. I don't want them to get hurt! Someone is obviously not happy. Will keep trying with the photos Here are couple more. Apologies for the quality :/ the yellow one is really running...
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  38. ADW1988

    Friends Now Fighters!

          Thanks very much will look into it.   Unfortunately not home till this eve (UK time) so will look then and if not will post a picture.   Cheers peeps
  39. ADW1988

    Friends Now Fighters!

    Evening all. I've had my tank set up now 4 months I'd guess. 60L freshwater. I've noticed that my 2 platy have started fighting! They were best buddies but I went to watch them this evening and they have started fighting! One is a white Mickey Mouse platy, the other is a yellow and red hi fin...
  40. ADW1988

    Changing Substrate Advice

      Sorry Thanks SEAL36!!!