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  1. Feather

    40G Am I Understocked Or Overstocked?

    I wouldn't say its over or under stocked. I'd say its just about right. Of course, there is room for more harlequins if you want.  I'm surprised the Honey Gourami and the Rams get along, they rams usually bully the gourami.   The only thing I can suggest to add besides more harlequins is maybe a...
  2. Feather

    Clear Fins

    If it says it treats fin rot as well, that's fine. The aquarium salt is just a little extra to help combat the illness, as fungi and bacteria hate salt. Aquarium salt is rather cheap, PetSmart sells small cartons for around 5 dollars.   You'll still need a filter and heater for the little fella...
  3. Feather

    Cloudy Water Help!

      Ok, well since you still have a cycled tank, all i can think about is either a dirty or improperly placed filter media like KirkyArcher said.
  4. Feather

    Clear Fins

    A white fluff on fins isn't actually a fungus. Don't worry this is a common mistake. Most fungi are found on a fish's lips or near the eyes. When a white fluff is present on the fins, this is actually a virulent bacterial infection caused by a bacteria called columnaris. Also commonly known as...
  5. Feather

    Shrimps Cohabiting With Danios?

    That depends on the species of Danio. If it's something like a Pearl or Zebra danio, cherry shrimp and amano shrimp will be perfectly fine with it. However, it it's a larger species of danio, only Amano shrimp will be unharmed.
  6. Feather

    Cloudy Water Help!

    Did you clean the filter media with tap water?
  7. Feather

    Fin Rot

    How big is the tank? Is it cycled? And are you using strip tests or liquid tests? Strip tests are notoriously misleading and inaccurate.
  8. Feather

    So, You Don't Think Filters Need Cleaning Regularly?

    That water isn't anywhere near as dirty as my Rena XP1 when I clean it out :P The white bucket turns pitch black...