Search results

  1. rikkitiger

    New Tanks! Beginner To Plants

    Thanks so much! I purchased an aqua farm for bettas but not a betta yet and i got some substrate suitable for live plants and the boy cleanse was a lot of fun because when i was done i decided that i really dont need to constantly talk to my long distance boyfriend to feel connected, even just...
  2. rikkitiger

    A Ten Gallon Saltwater Possibility?

    Yeah i just posted another article if you want a link here it is
  3. rikkitiger

    New Tanks! Beginner To Plants

    Hi! I live in a small town in south dakota and we do not have a pet store, in fact all we have for fish supplies is a walmart but tomorrow i am going to petco in the nearest big town which is still a 3 hour drive and getting aquarium supplies as well as a new 55 gallon aquarium and a new 10...
  4. rikkitiger

    A Ten Gallon Saltwater Possibility?

    Thanks for all the info! I am thinking i might just stick with freshwater for now and try to venture into the world of planted aquariums and aquascaping instead of saltwater, but you guys gave me enough infornmation to make a choice
  5. rikkitiger

    A Ten Gallon Saltwater Possibility?

    Hi! I live in a small town in south dakota and i have already a 20 gallon freshwater aquarium but the only problem with all of my fish purchases and needs, i have walmart and no pet store so i order online. Recently my friend julia and i went to a summer camp and met a lot of new people and...
  6. rikkitiger

    My 30L Cube

    I love your tank! It is so simple its really nice
  7. rikkitiger

    Fish Tank Water Turning Green!

    basically there is not a place in my room where the tank is not by the window, but thanks.   i will black out the tank, also i am sorry if i was rude before, i just have been so flustered because this whole ordeal has been very aggrivating and i was already stressed. (Algebra End Of Coarse...
  8. rikkitiger

    Fish Tank Water Turning Green!

    First of all, i dont have the resources to add live plants. I dont have a test kit and there arent any at my walmart, i looked, i am 13 and dont have enough money to pay for shipping for a test kit, my tank is near a window and i keep the lights on maybe about 13 hours because i cant come home...
  9. rikkitiger

    Fish Tank Water Turning Green!

    hello,   so i have a 20 gallon fish tank with corydoras, black skirt tetras a dwarf gourami and platies, and it is fairly new only had it for about 3 months but do water changes 25-50% every weekend with conditioner and a week ago i noticed no matter how many times i changed a bit of the water...
  10. rikkitiger

    Bedside Table Tank Idea

    Well i really like the idea of a dwarf puffer or fiddler crabs. Where should i order sand or dirt from, also the fish or crabs?
  11. rikkitiger

    Bedside Table Tank Idea

    Hi, i am rikkitiger and i have successfully kept a tank for about a year, first a ten gallon then a twenty gallon and i have had an idea for awhile that i want to keep a small less than or five gallon tank on my dresser or side table. I live in a place with only walmart for pet resources so i...
  12. rikkitiger

    Comet Golds & Shubunkin Koi

    I have platies myself and absolutely love them. Good luck! Koi sound sooo fun
  13. rikkitiger

    My 1125l Freshwater Aquarium

    wow. i dont think i can breathe.   your tank   captivating stunning wonderful jaw-dropping mind-numbing insane beautiful magnificent   peace of art.   wow.
  14. rikkitiger

    Comet Golds & Shubunkin Koi

    wow! well for my sinking pellets for my cories i use the ones from walmart that come in an orange can, it says shrimp pellets, but i think that these are not the same kind koi would need... i cant help you much but i thought that i would say it is a very beautiful way to display koi and a...
  15. rikkitiger

    Another 3D Background Project

    wow it looks like it's coming along really great! can't wait to see the finished product.
  16. rikkitiger

    2.6Ft Planted Sunsun Tank

    *gasp*   your tank is turning out to be sooo gourgeous! and i just love that gourami! you are so lucky!
  17. rikkitiger

    Help! Not What I Ordered

    he's beautiful and seems very happy :) i am so happy that you ID'd him and he is doing alright. he is a cutie too.
  18. rikkitiger

    Betta Cottage

    wow, just one thing after another it seems for you. so sorry that all of this is happening, and my condolenses on the girls that you lost. What a brutal way to go. :(   on the other hand it's a new year, try to look up and forward.   good luck.
  19. rikkitiger

    Help! Not What I Ordered

    ha! realy cold there? where i am it is literally -20F right now lol
  20. rikkitiger

    Help! Not What I Ordered

    he's a weird looking thing! cool
  21. rikkitiger

    Does Anyone Here Have A Ps4?

    i am so sorry! :( i really truly didn't notice it was the general chat section. My apologies to everyone.
  22. rikkitiger

    20G Long Questions

    dg are so beautiful in a big tank like that! i have my dg in my 20 gallon tall and he just LOVES the space. :)   cories are such beautiful fish too. and you have the perfect substrate for them, so i would thumbs up that idea. I don't personally know much about the other species you mention...
  23. rikkitiger

    Dwarf Gourami Beaten Up! Can He Live In A 10 Gallon With A Gbr?

    my dg lived in a ten gallon with three platies very successfully for a long time, not chasing or beating up. i wouldn't know about the other fish though, sorry i have no expeirience with those species. :/ I also would not let MY dg with guppy fry. :( i don't think it would work.   Not much...
  24. rikkitiger

    Help! Not What I Ordered

    wow! sounds like a mix up in the compny for sure. Contact them is my advice too. Companies want your buisiness so they will probably apologize and send you your order and let you keep the slug. Just a guess. would love to see a pic and good luck :)
  25. rikkitiger

    Stocking A 20 Gallon

    thanks, i will! i decided to take a chance; yeah.
  26. rikkitiger

    Does Anyone Here Have A Ps4?

    this is a fish forum, not a gaming forum. i don't want to be too forward or uninviting or rude, but i think it is irrelevent
  27. rikkitiger

    Stocking A 20 Gallon

    i am definetly going to go for a cory school, not pygmy. i really like their look and it might not be a sure thing that there would be problems.
  28. rikkitiger

    Stocking A 20 Gallon

    a lot of room in that 20 gallon
  29. rikkitiger

    Stocking A 20 Gallon

    there is never any residue on the shower or anything, and i really truly looked online, my water site, but couldn't find anything about hardness.   The fish are still doing fine today :)   and i do think i have seen pygmy corys up there. all the water in my town is from the same place, and i...
  30. rikkitiger

    Stocking A 20 Gallon

    i think that they might be a bit small for my taste. i really like the look of platies and corys. i don't know what you mean about smooth or sharp gravel, here is the link to what i have.
  31. rikkitiger

    Stocking A 20 Gallon

    ok. Aw, and i loved the cory look too! what are my other options? it seems like cory was the main suggestion for the tank. Any other fish? would it be worth it to take a chance on corys? or would it be pretty certain they would be unhappy?
  32. rikkitiger

    Stocking A 20 Gallon

    i have the regular aquarium gravel in hot pink, black and white. nothing too extravagant.   i will check out that paradise info, thanks.   and i really like the look of the barbs, but i understand. :)   thanks again! just read the paradise info and read they are not the best for community...
  33. rikkitiger

    More Pregnant Platies

    that you have there is one very preganat fish! :)
  34. rikkitiger

    Stocking A 20 Gallon

    thanks!   i will look at walmart when i do the stocking run in a couple weeks for hardess tests, what would they be called?   are tiger barbs suitable? what other fish are good? i saw paradise and big gourami up there last time and was wondering about that possibility.   how would they get along...
  35. rikkitiger

    Stocking A 20 Gallon

    i dont know why but i dislike the look of guppys.   my dad says the temp difference is surely what caused the crack but one can never know for certain. I'm trying to move on and forward from it, not dwelling.   Great update! the fish are in and VERY happy for the extra space. they were never...
  36. rikkitiger

    Stocking A 20 Gallon

    thanks! so i think i'll avoid the plecos.   it was an old set up, second hand and i didnt have any lighting but it was on the windowsill with sunlight. the 20 gallon is on a table away from windows and it has led lighting.   the decorations are looking really great too! i'll have to take a pic...
  37. rikkitiger

    Stocking A 20 Gallon

    i read these and fit the old filter media in the filter, and the readings are already looking better!   i was just trying to be prepared for when the time came for stocking, you know arm myself with knowledge.   i do know that it is my job to clean the tank, it's just in the past my ten gallon...
  38. rikkitiger

    Stocking A 20 Gallon

    i hadn't thought of that! the filters are different becasue the tank is bigger, but i could squeeze it or something. good idea!   so, stocking options? the best thing i think that would be for me is a cleaning up fish?
  39. rikkitiger

    Stocking A 20 Gallon

    i had a ten gallon aquarium and since it was so cold outside the temperature difference got out of hand last night at about -15 and the galss cracked. luckily i saved all of my fish, (3 platys and 1 dwarf gourami)   and so i bought a new 20 gallon tank in the morning, took the day off and got...