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  1. N

    Is This A Fish ?

    It was fixed i notixed the catfish came out around 6pm they never ever come out they was going pretty mad i then noticed it stuck to the back glass for hours the catfish was swiming up and down with the light on they normaly dont swim or come out with the light out i just had a look and its gone...
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    Is This A Fish ?

    So i have just 2 talking cat fish in 1 tank i noticed the water was getting low so filled it up with a empty external filter the sand all moved around so could of came out of the sand ?     It looks like a shrimp ?? Or somthing ?? Here is 1 of my catfish
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    Snails Vs Clown Loach

    The clown will eat all snails even the bigger types of snails. I have had 4 clowns and they are good at eatign snails.
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    Bulkhead Sizes

    Because if i get it drilled 50mm then they would deliver the glass ( 6ft ) and then if it was two small i would need to send it back off to get drilled again. I have been told by the shop who  im buying the glass off that they can drill any hole up to 50mm for free so the shop im buying the...
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    Bulkhead Sizes

    So i have a 6ft tank which has a built in overflow in the center of the tank and has 2 drilled holes in the bottom of the overflow which i have messered has 55mm each. The holes was drilled by the makers of the tank.So i went out and bought a 50mm bulkhead and was told i need a 65mm hole in my...
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    Xmas Moss Maby (Swansea)

    Are you selling just the moss or the wood that its attached to has well ?
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    Cracked Fish Tank

    Just a quick update i have repaired the tank and have left the silcone dry for 48 hours now im filling it up to see if it will leak. The plan is to fill it right up and leave it for a week to see if it leaks.I have put silcone over the crack and then a plane of glass over the crack and then put...
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    Cracked Fish Tank

        Take a look at this video   I don't think my tank is worse than that.   If you have not got time to look at the video here is a pic   I found this on youtube the center brace broke and the front of the tank cracked and leaked.The tank has been...
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    Cracked Fish Tank

    I put the tank form the stand onto the floor and put bricks under it. I then filled the tank up all the way and then put a bucket under the crack to catch the water. I had 2 drops come from the crack in 24 hours there was 2 drops in the bucket. I have tryied to repair it now have to wait 3 days...
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    Cracked Fish Tank

    So just a quick update i got a friend who works for auto glass ( repairs car windows ) and he has looked at the tank and have said that the glass has twisted and not cracked.We have filled the tank up and there is a little drop comming from a little crack here is a photo i have highlighted it...
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    Cracked Tank

    You will ether need to get rid of the whole tank and buy a nw one or replace the bottom bit of glass. I have had the same thing happen to me a few days ago. You can find my thread here with some answers
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    Cracked Fish Tank

    Could i ask instead of replacing the whole bottom sheet couldn't you put a strip over the crack ? If i replaced the whole bottom sheet i would need to drill holes for the overflow and stuff.
  13. N

    Cracked Fish Tank

    So i have been having problems with undoing my bulkheads for a while now i done them up hand tight and then clicked on that i put them on wrong ( the nut was in side ) So i have been trying to undo the nuts for months now with no luck so i thought id saw the nut off which worked both bulkheads...
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    Bulkhead Leaking

    And what about the black and white seals ?? Im guessing it goes on how it is in the photo ? Just the nut on the outside instead of inside.
  15. N

    Bulkhead Leaking

    So i think i have installed my bulkheads the wrong way i have the nut on the inside of the tank and then the black seal unde the nut on the inside and then the white seal on the out side of the tank. The black seal in side is bigger than the white seal. Im guessign the nut and black seal needs...
  16. N

    Columbian Shark Catfish Salt?

    So i have seen these Columbian Shark Catfish in my local pet shop. I have a 6ft tropical tank. I bought 2 of them and added them into my tank i then did some googleing and found out that when they get to adult size then need to go from a tropical tank to a marine tank is this true ? My local pet...
  17. N

    Hexanematichthys Seemanni

    So a few days ago i went into my local pet shop and seen 3 catfish which they had named has "aluminium catfish" so today i went back in to buy them and there was only 2 left so i bought them and added them into my tropical fish tank. After doing a lot of search on google i found that they might...
  18. N

    Red Cherry Barb Killing Other Fish

    So i have around 4 or 5 red cherry shrimp and have 4 female fighting fish and 1 male fighting fish. The tank was fine and all fish was getting on then the male fighting fish suddely died ( no bite marks or anything ) so know  i have noticed since the male fighting fish has been out of the tank...
  19. N

    Fish Tank Heater Broken

    I have been lookign for a 500w tank heater but looks like they all come from china with a  us plug on.   edit i just found this one
  20. N

    Fish Tank Heater Broken

        Don't bigger tanks hold the heat iin better ?? I was told in my locla pet shop that smaller tanks lose the temp faster than bigger tank and also bigger tanks have less water problems.... Also i have a internal pump till i set my sump up so a inline one would not work i do not think.
  21. N

    Fish Tank Heater Broken

    Nope i have never seen inline heaters, With my old 300w heater i set it to around 30c or 32c and the temp around the heater was around 30 - 32c but the rest of the tank was around 28c so i was thinking i could buy another 200w or 300w and then set it higher like i did before.... The problem is...
  22. N

    Fish Tank Heater Broken

    So i was messing with my fish tank overflow and i noticed my heater some how broke the glass on the heater cracked in half and fell of so the springs in side was showing. I was thinking i was very lucky i didn't get a shock. It was a 300w heater which i had for 3 years. So now my fish has been...
  23. N

    Are These Rams ?

    Thank you for the help.
  24. N

    Are These Rams ?

    So i went to my local pet shop to day to buy some fish and i seen these fish i liked which had a tint of pink i thought they was rams but they was a lot smaller.   I asked to buy them and the  shop owner didn't know if they was rams or "miniature rams" which are half of the size of rams and will...
  25. N

    Caping My Overflow With Gravel ?

        I have silconed the whole of the inside of the bulkhead ( around the nuts ) I left it 48 hours but still leaked though.... I have a inbuilt overflow in the center of my tank with 2 holes in the middle of.     There is a screen shot of what i mean. I have 2 bulkheads with the screen on the...
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    Caping My Overflow With Gravel ?

    The bulkhead will not come out i would have to burn the bulkhead out i think. I have filled the overflow up half way with sand and the leak slows down....  I was thinking if i fill it up the whole way maybe it will stop.. So the water will go though 12 inch of sand im guessing ? Im thinking if i...
  27. N

    Caping My Overflow With Gravel ?

    So i have a overflow built into the center of my tank and installed 2 bulkheads by hand to the overflow. I fill up the overflow and have noticed the one is leaking very badly so i have googled around and worked out that i put the bulkhead on the wrong way ( the nut is on the inside ) so i have...
  28. N

    Next Fish

    When you say red Plecs do you mean albino plecos ?? They will grow was to big for you tank.
  29. N

    Bulkhead Leaking

    I so wish i thought of putting the nut on the out side before i spent all day putting it on the inside. I have a overflow in my tank and have 2 holes at the bottom of the overflow for inlet and outlet and i had to try and get ym arm down in the overflow to screw the nut on well another person...
  30. N

    Bulkhead Leaking

    I contacted the seller who i bought it off and was told i had it the wrong way and that the screw bit goes on the outside of the tank and not the inside. At this point i all ready siliconed the bulkhead up. So now i have to wait a few days for it to cure and hope for the best.
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    Bulkhead Leaking

    What kind of sealant ? I have some fish tank silcone here but they say not to use it because it makes the rubber seal move....
  32. N

    Bulkhead Leaking

    So i have just added two bulkheads to my tank and there seems to be a little drip coming from them both,.   Im just wondering if the nut goes on the inside of the tank or out ??   Here is a photo of my bulkhead    
  33. N

    Is My Golden Ram Dying ?

        I have one of these " normal ones "     And then a golden one. The normal one and the golden one use to come up to the front of the tank once you walk up to the tank. They would come out.The tank size is 6 x 2 x 2 so loads of room for both rams to swim away from each other.
  34. N

    Is My Golden Ram Dying ?

    So i had a normal ram in my tank and thought it was  a bit lonely so went to my pet shop to get some more but they only had the golden ones in so i bought 2 golden ones. I added them into the tank and i noticed the next day the one golden on died. So now i have one golden one and one normal one...
  35. N

    Caribsea Eco-Complete In A 6Ft Tank ?

    So i have just been watching loads of videos on the ada but can't seem to find any were in the uk which sells it... Or anybody online....   Also ada is a lot more money than the echo complete
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    Sump Outlet Under Water ?

        Im using     I just wanted to make sure i plumb it all in right. The bit im worryied about is the outlut being under water...
  37. N

    Sump Outlet Under Water ?

    But then i would be scared of the outlut from the pump falling out of the tank... If you look how higher the overflow is to the glass surport  on each side of the overflow ( the first image ) I am guessing the outlut pipe would be under water ?If i put a pipe in the outlut bulkhead and then a t...
  38. N

    Sump Outlet Under Water ?

    So i have bought a 6 x 2 x 2 fish tank a few months backand i have been trying to find some one who can supply fish safe pipe work now that  i have found some one i need to try and work out how to plumb in my sump. My tanks has a in built overflow but has 2 60mm holes for the bulk heads to go...
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    2,000 Liter Discus Tank

    Could i ask what size is the tank ?? Looks smaller than a 2,000 Liter....
  40. N

    Caribsea Eco-Complete In A 6Ft Tank ?

    Im  just wonderign if anyone has a 6ft tank with the CaribSea Eco-Complete in the tank ? Im trying to work out how many bags i will need to fill my 6 x 2 x 2 tank with the subtrate with CaribSea Eco-Complete. Will it be worth spend all of the money on CaribSea Eco-Complete ? Im thinking it would...