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The October FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  1. J

    Can't Keep Nitrate Level Down

    The tank isn't planted but I do have a heavily planted tank I'll test the nitrate on that only just become heavily planted tho was lightly planted with about 5 diffrent bunches of plants have around 10 big bunches of all diffrent plants now it's 120 litre tank and I just have a small community...
  2. J

    Can't Keep Nitrate Level Down

    It comes out the tap at 20ppm but I can never have it at 20 ppm it's round 40ppm only way I could get it 20ppm is if I done a 100% tank change and I will have to get a reverse osmosis machine then as it's a 260 litre tank for the parents and fry and will be takeing the parents out after a couple...
  3. J

    Can't Keep Nitrate Level Down

    I wannt to keep my nitrate low but it comes out the tap around 20-25ppm which I know is fine for my fish as they have been alive for several years but recently wanted to breed my fish and I know nitrate over 20ppm kills most of the fry of as I have been told unless this is untrue, I was...
  4. J

    Rainbow Cichlid Eggs!

    My first set of eggs after 2 weeks first time breeding rainbow cichlids any advice that would help me be more successful? Breeding pair.
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  7. J

    Do You Need A Light Constantly On When Breeding?

    Just wondering do you need a source of light contantly when breeding rainbow cichlids as how will the male fertilise the eggs in the dark when he can't see? Or can they see in the dark? Just wanted to know as I have a breeding pair and don't know whether to switch the light of in the night or...
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  10. J

    My Fish

    I have about 17 diffrent tanks smallest is about 80 litres mostly for breeding getting rid of them all only haveing that 700litre and the 600 litre marine and maybe a breeding tank andsybe try breed marine fish in a year or two
  11. J

    My Fish

    No longer got the 900 litre tank but some of these pictures are the fish inside of it swapped it for a 600 litre marine tank but also got a 700 litre tank could show pictures of marine half full as not filled yet just going through osmos process and I'll show picture of 700 litre tropical tank...
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  15. J

    My Fish

    Some of my fish
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  30. J

    Golden Sevrum

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  33. J

    Gold Sevrum Male And Female?

    Are these male and fema just want to make sure. The one I think is male. The one I thinks female.
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  38. J

    Don't Get Balloon Rams!

    I bought 2 ballon rams a few days ago and one died today and one yesterday i know for sure it's because there genetically enhanced to have the bigger body which messes there swim gland up because they just kept floating to the bottom! I have a lot of other fish in the tank which have been fine...
  39. J

    How To Sex Balloon Rams?

    Why would you avoid them? There very nice looking and have a funny personalities.
  40. J

    How To Sex Balloon Rams?

    One is slight lighter in colour than the other the other one has bolder lines and bolder dorsal fin witch is bigger at the back it flails out a bit and spikes look bigger too. I think I mite have a pair but not sure I'll just have to keep observing them. And I was sold them as ballon rams are...