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  1. R

    1 X Zebra Loach. Free. Chester Location

    Hi have been advised that loaches should be left alone...... Most of the time, will be happy to give him a new home and maybe look to get some companions for him he should have plenty of hiding places in the mean time
  2. R

    Fish Stock Compatibility Advice

    Thanks for the info guys....... More glow lights is on the agenda, I will also look at what options I have with Cory's
  3. R

    Fish Stock Compatibility Advice

    Damn..... What about some emperor and lemon tetras?
  4. R

    Fish Stock Compatibility Advice

    Thanks.....Would angels be a no no then.....?
  5. R

    Fish Stock Compatibility Advice

    Cheers tek, pretty limited then? You say most gouramies.... Are there some suitable?
  6. R

    Fish Stock Compatibility Advice

    Hi just finished cycling my 300 ltr tank and was bought 4 tiger barbs and 4 glowlight tetras my daughters and their gran. The tigers are feisty little buggers and we're harassing the tetras, so I bought 5 more tigers. They have calmed down now and seem quite happy and have stopped harassing the...
  7. R

    1 X Zebra Loach. Free. Chester Location

    Hi I have a newly established 300ltr tank, currently have 4 glowlight tetras and 9 tiger barbs. The barbs are quite agressive do you think they would be good companions for your zebra loach?
  8. R

    My First Aquarium Far....

    Cheers, I've lost around 10% of the water through evaporation in thefirst  two weeks its been running, if I topped it up would this count as a water change?
  9. R

    My First Aquarium Far....

    Really surprised to hear that I thought the neons were pretty hardy,what would you suggest to start off with?
  10. R

    My First Aquarium Far....

    Hi, Thought I should share my journey into tropical aquarium so far...... I managed to pick up this tank second hand and decided to   refurb it. So I stripped it all down, rewired all the lights and sorted all the electrics into a new junction box and rewired all the switches, resealed this...
  11. R

    Filter System Advice Needed.......340Ltr Coffee Table Tank

    Hi I have a 340ltr coffee table tank which I would like to set up in middle of my front room. I've finished re-wiring all the lights and electrics in the tanks and I'm ready to install the filter system. I have researched the different type and now have got myself all confused....... So I...
  12. R

    New Member From The Wirral

    Thanks, not decided at this point, still researching and hoping to gain advice. Its quite big so not sure on limits yet, fish size quantities etc
  13. R

    New Member From The Wirral

    Hi All   I'm a new member from the Wirral. I have just purchased an Elite Aquatics coffee table aquarium 340lts. In at the deep end or what!!   I'm currently rewiring in the lights and pump etc but need advice on replacement pumps.   There is space for two power heads which I have, would you...