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  1. D

    Electric Siphons?... Which One To Get?

    Hey all!   So I'm wanting to get an electric siphon for my large tank (and possibly one for my smaller tanks, depending on cost), and I know absolutely nothing about them, let alone which ones would be good for my tanks. (Sorry mods if this thread is in the wrong place, I couldn't figure out...
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    Cory And Gourami Questions...

    Thanks everyone your help has been REALLY AMAZING! :D I'll definitely be getting the 6 sterbai corys, 10 cherry barbs, a pearl gourami, and probably the pleco (but I need to think about it a bit more yet). :D   So now I've just got to get my aunt to take my lovely goldies, research appropriate...
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    Cory And Gourami Questions...

    Wow, that video was so cool! :D Thanks Ninjouzata for sharing it! :) And thanks the_lock_man for embedding it, and I'll definitely get 6 corys as I want them to be as happy as possible! :D   I'm also considering getting sterbai corys instead of the bronze's, and maybe even get the pleco instead...
  4. D

    Cory And Gourami Questions...

    Thanks everyone for the help so far! :)   I've finally decided on 1 pearl gourami, 5 bronze corys and a single nerite snail (which are really difficult to breed, which is great, because the whole "snail explosion" scenario is why I wasn't much into keeping snails)... Now I just need to figure...
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    Cory And Gourami Questions...

    Wow, soooo many answers in such a short time!   Thank you everyone for all of your helpful responses, and valuable information!!! First of all everyone seems to be saying that corys aren't actually algae eaters... so with all of my research into different fish types (and I've been looking at a...
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    Cory And Gourami Questions...

    Hahaha, Ninjouzata I'm glad that you could at least answer the fun questions. Your albino corys sound like a lot of fun! :D Thanks for telling me that they need protein in their diet... I know that they eat algae and like cooked zucchini, but I didn't know about that. And thanks for telling me...
  7. D

    Cory And Gourami Questions...

    Hey all!   I've currently got a 200L tank (roughly 50-ish ?US? gallons) which I'm planning on converting into a tropical community setup. (At the moment it's housing some goldfish, which will be going on a permanent vacation to my aunt's house, lol. ) The specs are: 122cm(L) 36.5cm (D) 45cm(H)...
  8. D

    Just Introducing Myself...

    Hi all!   I'm still fairly new to fishkeeping, and am looking forward to all of the great advice I'll be able to get from this website!   I currently have a 200L tank (roughly 50 gallons) with goldfish in it, which I am planning on turning into a tropical tank and a 20L (roughly 5 gallon) tank...