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  1. Arbee

    Hair Algae (Don't Smack Me Yet)

    I have read through a lot of links, and threads.  All of which say what I already know...a planted tank needs a proper balance of ferts/Co2.  My worry is, now that I have ripped so much vegetation out of the tank, and replaced water, how to get a handle on it before it starts again without...
  2. Arbee

    Hair Algae (Don't Smack Me Yet)

    Now I wish I had taken a before picture...but it was embarrassing to be honest....   the algae was green, and would grow into a very very fibrous net.  once pulled out it was very tough and would adhere to anything!  Reminded me a lot of the algae ball material..   You are correct in saying my...
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  4. Arbee

    Hair Algae (Don't Smack Me Yet)

    75 gallon  3 years old was planted, but not anymore canister filter 12 community fish...most are 2+ years old water tests are all neg or in ideal parameters   I had my tank fully planted but hair algae won, I just wasn't up to the task of fighting it in a planted tank....  I know I probably...
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    fish one.JPG

  6. Arbee

    Proud New Owner Of A 28 Gallon Nano, And A New Owner That Knows Nothin

    So I got a 28 gallon nano with stand, skimmer, heater, lights, and pumps.   It has about 30 pounds of live rock in it.  Came with two clown fish, a blue chromis, some snails, and a hermit crab I think.  Tank has been set up for a few years.    The thing is.....I know NOTHING about keeping this...
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  8. Arbee

    Oddball For Me The...oddball

    T1KARMANN I swear you just read my mind, I was logging on here because darnit my fish are flashing again.  No spots, just flashing.  And all my water params are fine
  9. Arbee

    Oddball For Me The...oddball

    I agree with you on this one, even though I am very new to this I don't want to push that max limit.   And since the first post the bala's are no longer with me, sadly due to a parasite outbreak that I was too new to spot quick enough.    I am learning quickly though!
  10. Arbee

    Hi My Name Is Rebecca "aka Arbee" And I Am Addicted To Plants

    I am so excited, tomorrow I am going to finally get my planted tank set up like I want...well at least for a week or two.  I have acquired new plants, new drift wood, and slate.  Tomorrow is my bday and my mom and I are going to start the scape!       The thing I am most excited about is the...
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  12. Arbee

    Sudden Die Off...

    Things had been going really well in my new tank.  2.5 weeks old, kept my water parameters in check.  Then in the past 24 hours I have lost 6 fish.  Hoping for some help trouble shooting this.     Tank size: 75 gallons pH: 8 ammonia: 0 nitrite: .25 nitrate: 2 kH: Unknown gH: I believe 345 tank...
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  14. Arbee

    New To Bettas

    I was lamenting that same point yesterday in the pet store 8(  They are also cold!!
  15. Arbee


  16. Arbee

    New Member From Bournemouth

    Love this thread!  I too am planing a planted tank, and lust over the first pictures you posted!  They are breath taking!  I kill all house plants, but have hope for a planted tank because I won't have to water it lol
  17. Arbee

    Hello All

    Welcome!  You have joined a wonderful group, they have been so helpful!
  18. Arbee

    Ahhhhhhh! Snails! I Think?

    I bought plants this evening, rinsed and rinsed...guess what I have crawling up the side of my tank right now??  UGH 
  19. Arbee

    Name That Plant!

    Thanks I'll look that one up!
  20. Arbee

    Name That Plant!

    I think this plant is Rotala, but not totally sure.  All I know it is growing like a weed on crack!! The one on the left, not the plastic one on the right 8) And isn't that the cutest tiny bala ever???  hehehe
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  22. Arbee

    Bonding With Your Betta

    Great post!  Thanks for the info.  I love how interactive our betta is with us!
  23. Arbee

    New To Bettas

    Thanks for the link! I am amazed with how interactive bettas are.  He follows me around the tank like a puppy.  Probably hoping for his pellets, but its still very endearing!
  24. Arbee

    New To Bettas

    It depends...does the pickle jar have WiFi???  heehehe
  25. Arbee

    New To Bettas

    I have plans to do a small planted tank for him, letting my daughter help.....I think she would enjoy that
  26. Arbee

    New To Bettas

    Oh ok I get what you are saying now....I didn't realize that the tank being vertical wasn't a good thing.  I thought the fact that it was bigger in volume was enough....always something for me to learn!!!  I will look into getting him a different tank soon.  I will also up the temp even more.  I...
  27. Arbee

    New To Bettas

    I have a heater, its just not in the picture as I was about to do a water change.  Its a little heater that isn't adjustable and keeps the tank at 76
  28. Arbee

    My Canister Debacle

    Thank you!
  29. Arbee

    New To Bettas

    Its about 4 gallons, Most betta tanks are a lot smaller.  Yes it does have a heater I did a 50% water change on it Sat. and put 2+ gallons back in it
  30. Arbee

    New To Bettas

    Ugh....will have to figure out a lid, the little filter hangs on the the back thanks Ny82!  I will most likely leave him be, I don't see the point in risking it then
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  32. Arbee

    New To Bettas

    We have had our Betta for about 9 months and he is doing well, in a totally cycled tank.   His tank is a very large vase from Ikea that holds about 4 gallons, he has live plants, a heater and a filter.  Since setting up my 75 gallon I read about many people putting their Bettas in their...
  33. Arbee

    My Canister Debacle

    Ruskull do you have trouble with your Rena canister sucking air?  The new one is sucking a ton of it, at about 45 sec intervals.  It is full and I primed it correctly.  Good news is, its still not leaking!!
  34. Arbee

    32L Planted Aquarium

    Rotala grows like crazy!!  I didn't know I could use it as carpeting!!
  35. Arbee

    Oddball For Me The...oddball

    I will do when the tank has cycled!  I love watching the fish school!    I am ok with not getting an oddball for another year!  I just don't want stock the tank up with a bunch of non-compatable fish in the meantime!   And love to research and plan....wish I had felt that way in college!!!
  36. Arbee

    What Other Pets Do You Have?

    I love the bird tree, we are getting ready to do that!
  37. Arbee

    Rogue Pet Gallery

    LOL too funny!!  My cat used to walk up and down the piano to get me up
  38. Arbee

    My Canister Debacle

    I returned the filter yesterday, so far so good.  No leaks!!!
  39. Arbee

    Oddball For Me The...oddball

    I know bala's weren't my wisest choice, but I will either get my lfs to take them (which I found out they will) or do the bigger tank thing.  Yes I know that takes a lot to do....but I am a rather tenacious learner....   The gravel will be leaving the tank soonish...I am putting 100% plant...