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The December FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  1. S

    Aquaone 620 90Ltr Aquarium Price Of?.

    We have had a 20 gallon 24"x12"x15" aquarium for a couple of years now. It is planted and very stable but it was an old tank when we got it and in that time I have replaced the filter and the heater to Fluval models. The lighting hood although working is a bit decrepit and I was thinking of...
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    Opinions On Tank Additives Such As Filter Boost?.

    Thank you all for your very helpful replies.
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    Opinions On Tank Additives Such As Filter Boost?.

    First of all thanks for the very fast replies people. Maybe I have misunderstood but I thought that Ammonia, nitrite and Nitrate levels should all be at 0. Mine seem to be pretty stable at Ammonia = 0, Nitrite = 0 and Nitrate = 40ppm. So Nitrate at 40ppm is acceptable, normal even?.
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    Opinions On Tank Additives Such As Filter Boost?.

    I have a fresh water planted aquarium now in its 6th month. This is my first aquarium and through posting questions and reading up on relevant info at these forums I haven't had any real disasters yet other than a particularly nasty brush with hair algae. In my 20 gallon tank as well as the...
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    Advice Sought On Filter Problem?.

    Nice video but I already built an air filter after the Tyne Valley Aquatics moving bed version also on you tube. It works fine but lacks circulation power. I have ordered a Fluval U2 last night to replace the Magi-380. Thanks for the replies
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    Advice Sought On Filter Problem?.

    Thanks for the reply Elly but I cannot find a member with that name in the member list?.
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    Advice Sought On Filter Problem?.

    I have a 20 gallon tropical freshwater planted tank with a Magic Jet Magi-380 filter in it. The last week or so I have had problems with the flow pressure. Each time it goes down a bit I have taken it out and cleaned the pump completely. It isn't really very dirty at all and works fine for a...
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    Cherry Barbs

    How quickly do Cherry Barbs grow?. I bought 5 from my LFS and they are from a half to three quarters of an inch. I read that they grow to approx 2" inches and live approx 3yrs. Just wondering if they are quick or slow growers.
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    "bacteria" Question?.

    A stupid question maybe, but is there any danger of infection slight or otherwise to a person from the filter bacteria media in an aquarium eg squeezing the filter sponge while perhaps having a small cut on ones hand or arm?.
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    Hard Water Fish Suggestions Needed?.

    Thanks a lot for the replies.
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    Hard Water Fish Suggestions Needed?.

    Have just set up my first tank which is a 20 gallon, fresh water one. I have had water in it for a week now with around a dozen fresh water plants in it since day one and which all appear to have taken/bedded in and growing. We live in a very hard water area, the ph from the tap is 7.6 and the...
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    Moving Bed Filters?.

     I am still at the research stage but feel I have the gist of it together now and am in the process of buying the things I will need on top of what I already have. At present I have a 20 gallon tank with  a lamp cover, heater, internal water filter as well as an air pump for the under gravel...
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    Question On Multi Substrata's?.

    Thanks frapadoodle, could you recommend me a good entry level one. What do you think of these master kits I have been looking at on Ebay.
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    Question On Multi Substrata's?.

    Thanks for replying and good thinking Sophie. Rather than start a new subject is the test kit in the link any good and if not could someone recommend me a good starter one and tips on how to use it or a link to a sticky on testing.  ...
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    Question On Multi Substrata's?.

    Would there be any problems by having areas of differing substrata in my tank?. I was thinking about having one part of the bottom with gravel, another with sand and another part with crushed cocle shells, would this be feasible or not?. My idea is to make it look like the actual sea bed.
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    Filter Help For Beginner Needed?.

    Thanks for that and I will.
  17. S

    Filter Help For Beginner Needed?.

    Thank you for the replies. It will be a freshwater tank Lockman.
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    Filter Help For Beginner Needed?.

    My sister in law was given a glass aquarium and lost interest so gave it to me and my wife. The tank is 24"x15"x12" which according to a tank size calibration site I came across is 20 gallons or approx 90 litres. The hood has a 25W fluorescent type light built into it and the tank also came with...