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  1. F

    Pets At Home. Do I Take My Complaint Further.

    The last time we had our 180 ltr tank set up and we got the fish from the local PAH, most of them only lasted days or a couple of weeks? Even though the water was spot on. We were forever taking dead fish back with the receipts. In the end we bought the fish from other fish stores and all was...
  2. F

    Tropical Tank Sand

    I'll try that thanks for the reply
  3. F

    Tropical Tank Sand

    It's not cloudy ;0) it's been in for four days now but we only stuck the bubble lighting in two days ago. The sand is blowing everywhere. The plants, ornaments ( one is a log and looks like its covered in snow) and the bog wood are all covered. The lighting/bubble unit is about two foot long...
  4. F

    Tropical Tank Sand

    Thanks for the reply. No switch so looks like I'll have to change the sand or take the light out :0( Had a smaller air stone in but that was just as bad. Like I say it looks like a snow globe. The other half thinks it'll be ok as I was panicking about blinding the fish, they pointed out they...
  5. F

    Tropical Tank Sand

    Hi all. I wonder if anyone can help? We set our old tank back up (180ltr juwel rio) we put sand, plants, ornaments and a bubble bar light. The only thing is the bubble bar seems to blow the sand everywhere and covers everything. It looks really nice but like a snow globe? Any ideas apart from...
  6. F


    Hi we're Paul & Carl