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  1. KLG14

    Dying Bristlenose Fru

    They get it once a week
  2. KLG14

    Dying Bristlenose Fru

    Hi, My two and a half week old bristlenose fry keep dying, i had approximately 60-70 now i have roughly 30 left, they where in a 65litre tank. Ph 7.4 Nitrite 0 Ammonia 0 Nitrate 20 With 10-20% water changed evey 2-3 days and a 25-50% water change and gravel vacume every Saturday. The ones who...
  3. KLG14

    Bristlenose Fry

    Hi, My pair of bristlenose that are currently in my community tank have spawned, im just curious as to wether or no the fry will be ok with the other fish i have in my tank, kissing gourami, pearl gouramis, dwarf gourami, sailfin molly, platy, peppered corys, glass catfish guppies and other...