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  1. N

    Very Sick Weather Loach!

    The pictus is only tiny, about two inches long at most and it's not an injury, he has no external wounds and the swelling isn't confined to one area. The water quality is fine, 0 nitrite/nitrate, ph 7, GH a little higher than usual but nothing to be alarmed about and it doesn't bother me too...
  2. N

    Very Sick Weather Loach!

    Help!   My 9 year old weather loach is incredibly swollen and ill looking. He has slowly been getting more swollen for about two weeks now (I call him a he but have no evidence to base this on!) which I originally put down to my partner enjoying hand feeding them a little too much which...
  3. N

    Please Help!

    I do know all about how big she will get and the damage that will be done to her internally if she is kept in inadequate conditions, but as I'm currently studying for my degree I can only afford upgrade her tank as she outgrows the one she is in. However I am perfectly aware of my...
  4. N

    Please Help!

      My apologies for the quality of the picture, she's camera shy and insanely quick!   Have put myxazin in the water (the first thing my dad did, think he's worried too!)  
  5. poor sharky.jpg

    poor sharky.jpg

  6. N

    Please Help!

    Please help! I have a beautiful 8" long pangasius who I've had for three years. She is my pride and joy and the first thing people notice when they walk in to my house.   Lately she has been getting a little bit podgy looking (I just thought it was the fact that my boyfriend likes to hand feed...