Search results

  1. Billiemay

    Best Snail?

    I want 1 snail to go in my bettabtank it is a 27L with plants what is the best one for just a general tidy up of the tank?
  2. Billiemay

    Cory Acting Strange

    I dont know the stats as a store tested it for me amd said everything was good, only one does it the rest are fine nd he only does it occasionally
  3. Billiemay

    Cory Acting Strange

    One of my albino corys is being strange, as he is searching through the substrate and on the rocks it looks like hes have a static shock or something weird has like a big twitch.. Whats up with this?
  4. Billiemay

    New Betta, Need A Name!

    Here is my new betta, he is still nameless as I cannot choose, any ideas?
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  7. Billiemay

    Does This Mean I'm Doing A Good Job?

    I did before he was put in the tank and everything was fine, thank you he cost me a small fortune haha
  8. Billiemay

    What Can I Get To Clean My Glass?

    I want to a fish to clean my glass, I have 2 albino corys and a betta in a 27L so I only want something very small and that can live on its own.
  9. Billiemay

    Looking For Some Bottom Feeders

    Corydoras, they are amazing little fish and don't get too big they are also very docile and don't pick on others make sure you get 3 or more!
  10. Billiemay

    Does This Mean I'm Doing A Good Job?

    My new betta who I've had for 2 days has made a bubble nest does this mean he is happy? And that I'm doing everything right?
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  13. Billiemay

    Strange White Algae, Worm Thing.. Helpp

    I have cycled my tank and all the levels were good I added 2 albino Corydoras yesterday and today I have these white things growing they look like the white fluffy things on dandelions and there also was what looked like a white worm sort of thing very tiny moving on my glass, my betta is due to...
  14. Billiemay

    My Very First Tank...

    I wouldn't recommend keeping any other fish with a betta, as only you may read that they can live in little bowls of water and with other fish but after I spoke to different breeders about keeping a betta they have always said best bet is on their own, as each individual fish has their own...
  15. Billiemay

    Pruning Help Needed!

    i have 2 Alternanthera Pink potted plants that are getting a bit too big for their boots and taking over, i need to know how to successfully trim them without killing them as there is going to be no room for my fish at this rate. Also how can i improver the quality of them over all as they are...
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  17. Billiemay

    Cycling + Water Changes

    I have 3 plants and I'm doing a fish less cycle
  18. Billiemay

    Cycling + Water Changes

    Could someone please tell me how often i should be doing waterchanges in my 27L tank, its got a 25w heater, real plants, no fish yet will be used for a betta. 
  19. Billiemay

    New Cloudy Cycling Tank, Help

    Bought a new love fish 27L tank yesterday, set it up washed all gravely with cold water thoroughly, boiled all the rocks and drift wood and it has 3 real plant in, I added de-clorinator which supposedly had bacteria in it for cycling last night and all was well woken up this morning and it...