Search results

  1. Sparkles13

    Dying / Dead Adfs

    yes. i dechlorinate with API stress coat, which i have always used.    I have, at one point, tested just my water for chlorine before i put anything in it and its not at a high enough level to show up on a test. but i still use the dechlorinator.   To my knowledge, the ADFs didn't show any...
  2. Sparkles13

    Dying / Dead Adfs

    yes. bettas and ADFs have the same care and water needs   I use an API liquid test kit, and when i tested for the ammonia, the color was between 0 and .25, so i went with the higher one to be safe.    i did a 75% water change last night   I do try to water change every week, occasionally it is...
  3. Sparkles13

    Dying / Dead Adfs

    I own three african dwarf frogs. I got my first one in May of this year, and the other two at the end of July. I can tell the three of them apart. When i came home from the store on monday, one of the ones that i got in July was dead. I tested my water that day and for that my parameters were...
  4. Sparkles13

    What Is This Fish?

    Thanks for your help guys. i had a lady get them from me this afternoon. She wasn't really too concerned about what they were, or she already knew and didn't share. but they're in a better home now!
  5. Sparkles13

    Sick Adf And Betta

    Tank size: 3 gallon pH: 7.2 ammonia:  nitrite: 3.0 ppm nitrate: 10 pp, kH: gH: tank temp: 75 degrees F Fish Symptoms (include full description including lesion, color, location, fish behavior):   ADF He is not swimming at all. He just floats at the top of the tank. He was a pretty chill frog...
  6. Sparkles13

    What Is This Fish?

    I recently bought a used aquarium, and i was wondering if someone could tell me what kind of fish i have. there were three in the tank, but one died on the way home. I'm not planning on keeping these fish, they are too big for what i want to do with the tank. i just wanted to have an idea of...
  7. fishy2.jpg


  8. fishy1.jpg


  9. Sparkles13

    Are The Really Ghost Shrimp?

    Before I moved, i had a 10 gallon aquarium with a male betta, 8 neon tetras, and 5 ghost shrimp. My tanks was set up for about 2 months (after cycling). a few weeks after i had added the shrimp (which were the last), i noticed that some of my tetras had gone missing. I assumed that Sparkles, the...