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  1. D

    Imac June 1, 2 And 3 In Chicago

    Hey ostrow; We already have several people coming from Australia, Africa and Europe. Our rates are pretty low as it is and I wonder if any discounts we could offer would make much of a difference since their air fares are in the thousands already. But it is a thought. We will give it some...
  2. D

    Imac June 1, 2 And 3 In Chicago

    Hi Everybody; Just in case you have never been to an IMAC, here is how you can get an idea of what to expect. Just go to and scroll down to the bottom of the home page. You can see major portions (and in some cases their entire talk) of the presentations given by some speakers...
  3. D

    Imac In Chicago April 28-30

    Hi Everybody; Just in case you have never been to an IMAC, here is how you can get an idea of what to expect. Just go to and scroll down to the bottom of the home page. You can see major portions (and in some cases their entire talk) of the presentations given by some speakers...
  4. D

    IMAC 2005 Results

    Hi Everybody; Well we have the results in from this year’s IMAC (the International Marine Aquarium Conference). This year we set another attendance record, 562 of you were there and we sold out all the booths again. IMAC has been growing each year so for 2006, we are almost doubling the size...
  5. D

    IMAC Banquet Sold Out

    Hi Everybody; We just got word that the banquet at IMAC has been sold out. But you can still get tickets for the whole conference, without the Banquet, for $100. You will only be able to sign up on-line until this Saturday, June 18. So hurry over to and get in on one of the...
  6. D

    IMAC 2005 is Coming!

    Hi Everybody; As you may know the International Marine Aquarium Conference will be here in less than 2 months. I think a couple of you have already signed up. We did some maths and find that we still have a few seats available. So we are offering a special discount to members of the Board...
  7. D

    IMAC Conference

    Yes ostrow, IMAC stands for the International Marine Aquarium Conference. It will be in Chicago June 24, 25 and 26th. You can check it out at http:// The registration fee was to go up from $125 to $150 on December 31 but since we were late in getting the word out, we extended...