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  1. E

    1" Per Gallon Rule For Number Of Fish In Aquarium

    Thanks again guys and girls...appreciate the responses. Have to wait till my pockets jingle a little more, and then get a 20 -25 gal tank. Over and out on this subject... Blessings, Edisme
  2. E

    1" Per Gallon Rule For Number Of Fish In Aquarium

    Thanks for all the replies...most informative and helpful.   Am starting small with a 2.6 gal Fluval SPEC III Aquarium with 3-stage filter,   Current guests include two very small Armored Corys, and two small fancy guppies.   Bored already and would like to add at least one or two Zebras or...
  3. E

    1" Per Gallon Rule For Number Of Fish In Aquarium

    Greetings,   Does the use of a filter with pump, which increases oxygenation, also  increase the number of fish permissible per gallon?   Also, since Cory cats are top breathers, of a sort, do they count in the 1" rule?   Would appreciate your experience and advice.   Blessings,   Edisme