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The October FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  1. simonero

    Worms/flukes/sporocysts? Other? Need identification help.

    Sorry for the late response. I was so relieved I forgot to respond! YES, they look just like that @chris from hull. After reading your response, I looked them up and took an even closer look at the things in my tank. They must be fresh water limpets. Wheeeew!! That is great news - that...
  2. simonero

    Worms/flukes/sporocysts? Other? Need identification help.

    UPDATE: Issue resolved with help from another member. The things in my tank were fresh water limpets, a tiny gastropod, nothing parasitic. Pictures below in responses, courtesy of @chris from hull. ----------------------- Hey all, I have this thing in one of my freshwater tanks that I have...
  3. simonero

    Apple Snail - Swollen Siphon

    Just as a later follow up in case it is helpful for anybody... It was in fact penis inflammation, NOT a siphon issue. No siphon problems were ever observed, and if present were not readily visible. My best guess as to the source was poor shell health due to intermittent feeding and difficulty...
  4. simonero

    How to care for mystery snail eggs?

    This is a bit late but I'm going to reply anyways for future and other people's benefit. My primary experience with snail eggs is with the related, larger species of apple snails (pomacea canaliculata) but care should be similar. Apologies if any details are less necessary, but you still can't...
  5. simonero

    Q's about methods for increasing kH with aragonite/coral

    I have a tank that is CONSTANTLY/always dealing with low kH issues. It's the water in my area. I'm worried about pH shock for a new, juvenile tankmate next time I have to do a substantial water change. Trying to decide if I should multi-task the function of a new decoration I must acquire for...
  6. simonero

    Golden Dojo.. Please help with conflicting care information

    Agreed, but like I said I had to make the purchase on the spot, because I buy new fish in a different city than where I actually live. I wouldn't have purchased them if I hadn't already determined in the past that these fish were compatible with my tank and tankmates. Just looking to get...
  7. simonero

    Golden Dojo.. Please help with conflicting care information

    Hi! I recently bought 2 juvenile golden dojo loaches. I'd identified them as tank-compatible in the past, but hadn't done much recent research and had to decide about the purchase on the spot. Now, for 2 things in particular, the internet seems to contain contradictory and even opposite...
  8. simonero

    Long, Failed Struggle To Increase Kh, Suggestions Appreciated

    I increased the aeration because the water flow was inadequate before, and because i needed a backup filter due to the fact that occasionally mine stops up and has to be fixed.  The one I purchased aerates the surface of the tank and helped me deal with a prior tank crash by filtering the other...
  9. simonero

    Something Wrong With New Angel?! Hovering At Top Like Needs Oxyge

    Hasn't pooped yet because I can't seem to get them interested in any food.  He is acting normal now.... hopefully this was just adjustment to the new tank.  Never seen a fish do that before when there wasn't a filter break/tank crash responsible...   Thanks!
  10. simonero

    Long, Failed Struggle To Increase Kh, Suggestions Appreciated

    My kH has been a problem for a good long while now.  Unfortunately the tap water in my area has very low kH, based on both internet resources and my own testing on multiple occasions.  The highest I've ever gotten it is 1 or 2, which is equal to what comes out of the tap.   To increase my kH...
  11. simonero

    Carbon Replacement... Carbon- Or Filter-Driven Decision?

    Hey guys,   I have a quick question about carbon that I'm hoping someone can answer.   Does carbon go "bad"?  When we change out the carbon in our filter, is this because after too much time it loses its filtration properties, or because we're keeping the filter/filter materials around the...
  12. simonero

    Something Wrong With New Angel?! Hovering At Top Like Needs Oxyge

    I just purchased 2 new baby angels today.  Before putting them in the water I checked my parameters and i have 0 ammonia, 0 nitrite.  I changed the water and substrate before putting them in for weekly maintenance, put in stress coat, then opened up the bag from the fish store to set them free...
  13. simonero

    Introduction To Phosphates

    This topic could fall under several categories so I chose to put it here.  Please move if necessary!   A recent tank emergency has gotten me curious about the facts regarding phosphates and how this nutrient affects the balance of a freshwater tank.  I'm also curious how this changes in a...
  14. simonero

    Green Water & Red "debris". Help Me, Please!

    I have been trying to resolve a terrible tank crash for several days now.  Nothing I've done seems to help at all.     **What is happening: within 2-3 days after a partial (~10gal) water change my water went from pH 6.2, kH 1, ammonia 0.25, nitrite 0 ... to pH 6.6, kH 1, ammonia 1-2, nitrite...
  15. simonero

    Appropriate Ich Meds/tx For Sensitive Tank

    I thought I'd update because I didn't get many responses.  Also, for the record, I have a well-established 20gal long with one 30g Aquaclear filter and a small whisper filter.  No plants.  Sand substrate.   I ended up using API Ick Cure (bought off Amazon).  2 days before this I upped the temp...
  16. simonero

    Tank Crash, Fish Suffocating, Questions!

    I last measured 3 days before this happened and my levels were: kH1, pH 6.2, ammonia 0.25, nitrite 0.  I changed the water and replaced one of the filters after that reading.  I never get the nitrate right when I try...  so I didn't try.  I've had it for a while but the expiration date is not...
  17. simonero

    Tank Crash, Fish Suffocating, Questions!

    Ok, did another substantial water change... as much as I could given it is 4:40am right now and i need to go to sleep very soon. >.<  checked levels immediately after and a LITTLE better.... both ammonia and nitrite are at 1-2 now.  Will do an equally large or larger water change when I get up...
  18. simonero

    Tank Crash, Fish Suffocating, Questions!

    I came home today to a bottom dwelling fish desperately hovering at the surface and breathing very deeply.  Apparently my filter had gotten clogged with java moss and was hardly running.  So, I immediately fixed that, and centered my filter so the oxygenation could be distributed more evenly.  I...
  19. simonero

    Keeping Columbian Shark Catfish

    This is an old post, but I want to add my two cents anyway.   I can't comment on what happened in the original poster's tank without information about water parameters, etc., but I have an adult columbian shark catfish who is about 3 years old and 17" long.  I wholeheartedly agree with MartinS...
  20. simonero

    Stocking A Fish Tank, Do's And Dont's

      Correction, my columbian cat is exactly 17" long.....  and yet such a big scaredy fish.   I think I've heard that they get to be about 20" actually.  I can probably comment on that in a couple months...  what's also quite amazing is the fact that he is in an undersized freshwater tank (I've...
  21. simonero

    Help With Info For A Database

    If this is for a serious project for a database you plan to maintain (i.e. not just for a class, etc.) I'd suggest figuring out what species are indigenous and doing a Google Scholar search for scientific articles.  Not everything will be on there, but for anything either relatively well known...
  22. simonero

    Pantyhose - For Cheap Filter Bags, Etc.

    A marine biologist friend once ranted to me about how there's no use buying expensive filters when all you need is some carbon and pantyhose.   Well, I ran out of bags today and tried this out.  AMAZING.  I replaced the broken sack of an Aquaclear Biomax bag and 3 Whisper filters filled with...
  23. simonero

    Stocking A Fish Tank, Do's And Dont's

    I have a couple suggestions based on my fish keeping experiences:   (1) Columbian sharks can easily get to even larger than 10", at least 15".  The last time I measured mine he was 14"... and appears to still be growing.  The growth rate is notably relatively fast.   (2) Angelfish are very...
  24. simonero

    Guppies Dying/sick.

    Yea, it couldn't hurt to vary the food source a bit.  And I still suggest the bloodworms as a great alternative.  But, I think that's more of an optional "optimize health" tip than an "address your problem" tip.   The stability of the pH is definitely important, and I don't suggest doing...
  25. simonero

    Guppies Dying/sick.

    Hey, I didn't read every reply comment but have some thoughts based on my year or two of inbreeding my guppies selectively for fun.   Your pH is a bit high.  I'd recommend getting that down a bit.  Could you post your kH?  kH will directly impact your pH levels.  So, if you have a very low kH...
  26. simonero

    Apple Snail - Swollen Siphon

    Hey all, here's an update in case anybody ever comes across this post looking for answers to a similar problem.   My snail buddy is still alive, and since I posted this hasn't put his siphon/penis/? away.  It not hanging out quite as far as in the pictures I posted, though.  Looking at his...
  27. simonero

    Appropriate Ich Meds/tx For Sensitive Tank

    Hi all,   My BGK has some nasty ich that went undetected for who-knows-how-long because I cannot see it when he is in his favorite spot or eating.  I'm guessing that the higher activity level preceding my noticing it is not a good sign.  In this freshwater tank I also have a tiny loach, apple...
  28. simonero

    Apple Snail - Swollen Siphon

    Unlikely to be the other fish, as this was 2 snails (other died) and small guppies are typically not aggressive.  I've never seen one act aggressive to a snail.  The BGK is easily the opposite of aggressive, if anything when it isn't being shy it tries to make friends - .   Here's a new picture...
  29. simonero

    Apple Snail - Swollen Siphon

    So, it now also occurs to me that this is not the siphon...  I can't remember what side to expect that on.  Either way this thing is literally always out now and there is no reproductive behavior that I've observed or eggs (there is space).  Also, this snails activity levels have been noticeably...
  30. simonero

    Apple Snail - Swollen Siphon

    Got photos, will post in another post.   This has been going on a while.  Well over a month.  Last time I checked water 0 ammonia/nitrite, gave up trying to do nitrate at home because it doesn't appear accurate literally ever, pH a little higher than necessary - around 7.4. Time for a new water...
  31. simonero

    Apple Snail - Swollen Siphon

    Hey guys, One of my apple snails has what looks like a "swollen" siphon. Another snails had this as well but died. It also appears to be lighter in color than I'd expect somewhat, probably as an artifact of the swelling. Anybody have any idea what is going on and/or what the cause could...
  32. simonero


    I have malaysian trumpet snails, freshwater nerite snails, mystery snails, and apple snails.  (You might say I like snails!)   The only of those that have eaten my plants are the apple snails (who devour them en masse).  The MTS are great, I wouldn't have a tank without them now.  They really...
  33. simonero

    Angelfish... Do I Need To Get A Companion Fishie?

    Thanks guys, this was really helpful!  And nope I'm not sure he's a male - I realize I used pronouns in my post, but that's just how I think of them!  They could both have been the same gender.  All I know is that there was a hierarchy, and the one that survived was in charge and grew to be much...
  34. simonero

    Finally Time For A New Fish... Stocking Ideas?

    Cichlids have never seemed like much of an oddball to me >.<   The gudgeons are also cute but I don't want a school!  I actually just stepped away from a year-long guppy breeding situation heh, I'm more-so looking for a single, interesting fish (or very small group potentially [max 3]) that...
  35. simonero

    Angelfish... Do I Need To Get A Companion Fishie?

    First off one of my 2 angelfish just died...  I am so sad   I got her and her family young about 14 months ago, and ever since they murdered the others (and a 3rd died right after a cross-state relocation) it's just been this pair.   I'm sure I'm anthropomorphizing a bit here... but they seemed...
  36. simonero

    Feeding Puffer Fish

    Is there a reason you don't want trumpets?  I know they have a bad rep but I personally see them as a necessity at this point.  They mostly hide in the sand when all is good in my tank (moving around and preventing anaerobic pockets), and the sudden appearance of more of them kindly signals tank...
  37. simonero

    Finally Time For A New Fish... Stocking Ideas?

    I finally have motivation and justification to get a new fish!  Woohoo!  Only problem is that I have no idea what I want..  especially not for this sized tank.   The tank is 20gal long, well-established, sand substrate, and currently houses 1 adult canas apple snail, 2 albino mystery snails, and...
  38. simonero

    Stocking For A 55Gal?

    I'm in the process of re-homing a fish.  When I find a home or place to give it to, I'm going to want to have something else in my tank!  This tank is a 55gal.   I have 2 angelfish who will not permit any other middle-top swimming fish in their territory.  They are jerks.  I also have a very...
  39. simonero

    Wanted: Apple Snails (Atlanta, Ga)

    I think it may have something to do with the post office in my city...  I tried mail holding but they drove around in 30degree weather ALL DAY with them bouncing around a truck and I had to wait until after they got back to go get them.  I called like 7 times and set it up ahead of time.  I...