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  1. I

    Water is fine but fish dying each day

    Thanks all for the suggestions, gill flukes is definitely a lead. I will get photos or a video tomorrow during the day and post here. Fingers crossed we don't lose any tonight but I'm not confident. The whole thing is so depressing
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    Water is fine but fish dying each day

    Will do this, we did a large change a few days ago but it seemed each time we changed the water they'd get stressed out and we'd lose more. Seem to be in a vicious cycle of trying to resolve it and causing more stress
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    Water is fine but fish dying each day

    Yeah have used for a few years at least, mainly the one to sort the water when we add more in after a change. I've had a look online and our water is Hard/very hard (which has always been the case in our area) Here are test results: pH: 7.8 - 8.0 Ammonia: 0.25 ppm Nitrite: 0 ppm Nitrate...
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    Water is fine but fish dying each day

    The majority have looked fine, they've just swam around the surface for a day, then either hiding in the plants the next day or passed away. The latest guppy we lost was slightly different in that it lost all the colour in its tail first. There are no visible wounds or ich or markings on any...
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    Water is fine but fish dying each day

    Is there any treatment we could add that could fight any potential diseases without troubling them too much? The whitespot was probably about 5 years ago and I believe we used a separate temporary tank and treatment but can't remember off the top of my head now. I will get a GH kit just as...
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    Water is fine but fish dying each day

    Hi there, we use the API Master test kit (liquid). We don't test the gh - but will order a test kit if you recommend - could the water supply have changed recently and possibly cause it? Mainly baffled as nothing has changed in our routine for many many years and all of a sudden we've lost...
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    Water is fine but fish dying each day

    Hi all, coming to you in a bit of a downer and desperately needing help. We have had tropical fish for around 10 years - 200l tank with a bn pleco, several shrimp and groups of guppies and tetras. We were up to around 15 fish in total a few weeks ago and monitor the water frequently using the...
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    Photos Of My Tank / Fish After 9 Months

      Yeah I partly had to go with one that 'looked nice' in my girlfriends eyes... I'd prefer a bigger longer tank with a much larger surface area
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    Photos Of My Tank / Fish After 9 Months

    Hi All,   Made another thread earlier this week about a plant taking over my tank. That plant has now been removed and I managed to get some smaller plants that users suggested on here.   I've taken some photos of my tank/fish/food and new filter sponge that I will put where the carbon currently...
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    Plants Going Crazy, Is It Worth It?

    Is sponge better than wool?   It's a rectangular filter that came fitted with the tank (wouldn't buy it again as I think spares are difficult to find), with 3 sections. The middle section has always had carbon wrapped in filter wool. Do you recommend I buy a filter 'sponge' and wrap it in filter...
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    Plants Going Crazy, Is It Worth It?

      Rather than taking the carbon out, could I just leave it in there and stop replacing it?    I have bio-balls which are black plastic balls, and some white chalky tube things. I have never replaced the bio balls, but have replaced the white ones maybe once or twice. Whenever I wash the filter...
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    Plants Going Crazy, Is It Worth It?

      Hah, just searched for Amazon Sword and yes it was! What a menace!!   Is it really beneficial keeping live plants? Or would my plan of rotating them before they get out of hand work ok? 
  13. I

    Plants Going Crazy, Is It Worth It?

    Hello all,    First post so please go easy :-)   I've had fish since last June in a roughly 70 litre tank with filter, air pump and 2 live plants.    We currently have 4 Cardinal tetras, 4 Rosy tetras and 3 Silver tip tetras (one recently deceased).    Since last June we also had a bristlenose...