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  1. FreshwaterAfishianado

    Cloudy Water Help!

    Did you rinse the media that came with the fluval? I have a 406 filtering my 55 and the media that came with it had quite a lot of dust in it.
  2. FreshwaterAfishianado

    Some New Additions

    Lol yeah he's colored up a lot since we first got them. To be fair I don't think my camera on my phone does him justice, he has some great red coloration on his face and fins and a lot of reflective scales in his flanks that just don't show in the pics
  3. FreshwaterAfishianado

    Some New Additions

    Well a little update, I guess the question of gender for my rams has been solved as they spawned today. Just thought I'd share a pic
  4. FreshwaterAfishianado

    Minimum Tank Size For An Oscar

    Alright thanks, I'm not sure what I'm going to do with the Oscar then. Its really not possible for me to go any bigger than the 55 where I live right now as I'm in a small upstairs apartment in an old building.
  5. FreshwaterAfishianado

    Would These Fishes Work Well Together?

    I'm no expert when it comes to African cichlids, but from what I could find Cynotilapia afra and Pseudotropheus saulosi though smaller are much more aggressive than Otopharynx lithobates and Labidochromis caeruleus. So much so that they may not tolerate males of their own kind at all. As far as...
  6. FreshwaterAfishianado

    Moving Festivum Eggs?

    So my pair of festivum have spawned again, this time I want to try to rescue the fry from my tetras. I have a 20 gal. Setup and waiting for them but I was wondering what the best way to move them would be? Right now the eggs are on the underside of a piece of driftwood, could I just move the...
  7. FreshwaterAfishianado

    Minimum Tank Size For An Oscar

    So a good friend of mine has to sell her tank, she has a 9" Oscar and a 3.5" JD living in a 55 gallon, they're the only fish in the tank. She asked me if I would be willing to buy it from her as she knows I already have tanks and she would feel more comfortable knowing they were being taken...
  8. FreshwaterAfishianado

    Happy Birthday Talltree!

    Happy birthday!
  9. FreshwaterAfishianado

    Mouth Fungus?

    Thanks :)
  10. FreshwaterAfishianado

    Mouth Fungus?

    Came home after work today to find that one of my diamond tetras has something white stuck to his face. It doesn't seem affected by it, I'm just now sure what it is, it almost looks like a tiny styrofoam ball. My pair of festivums just spawned so I thought it may be an empty egg he got at? Or...
  11. FreshwaterAfishianado

    55 Gal. Sa Black(Ish) Water Tank (Pics)

    Sorry, its been a little while since I've updated this thread. We lost the last batch of fry to our tetras, but today we came home to this! Its not the best pic, you can only see about 25% of the eggs because of the shadow. Were going to try to save this batch.
  12. FreshwaterAfishianado

    Ammonia Problem

    I think the confusion with the ammonia dropping 50% when only 25% of the water was changed may be due to the nature of the test. The result increments on the API test kit are 0-0.25-0.5-1-2-4-8. Her first reading could have looked as though it was 2.0 but in reality it could be anything from...
  13. FreshwaterAfishianado

    Pro Tips On Growing Moss Like A Disease?

    Are you growing this in a tank with fish or in its own container? Placing it near a window would probably cause algae issues. Its always better to control a tanks photoperiod and strength when possible. If you don't want to use pressurized co2 you can try flourish excel, we use this along with...
  14. FreshwaterAfishianado

    Ammonia Problem

    TwoTankAmin: I apologize for any insult you have taken from anything I have said, I assure you that offending you was not my intent. I was simply trying to help with this problem with the limited knowledge I have gained while keeping my own fish. You are much more experienced and knowledgeable...
  15. FreshwaterAfishianado

    Dwarf Puffer Questions

    They are aggressive, but it depends on each fish individually. Mine will eat snails any time of day, and will splurge until they're gone!   I don't believe dwarf puffers ever need brackish water. They are freshwater fish.   They start freshwater and go brackish... They are not found in the same...
  16. FreshwaterAfishianado

    Ammonia Problem

    You could also try aging a sample of tap water and test the pH after 24hrs and again after 48 hours, sometimes there can be excess co2 or other gases that temporarily raise or lower the tap's pH, aging will allow these gases to escape and give you a more accurate reading on the true pH of the...
  17. FreshwaterAfishianado

    Some New Additions

    Lol sorry yes its 36" wide if viewed from the front, though I guess it could be turned either way :)
  18. FreshwaterAfishianado

    Some New Additions

    Thanks :) right now they're in our 55, my wife wants to setup the 30gal we have sitting in a closet, she picked them out. She also wants to get 1 or 2 GBRs for the tank, how many do you think could comfortably live in a 30? I believe the footprint is 12"x36". We don't plan on moving them until...
  19. FreshwaterAfishianado

    Some New Additions

    Wow he's a beautiful fish. Our are still less than 1" long, I'll try to get closer pics of them, but even I'd they're both female that's fine with me
  20. FreshwaterAfishianado

    Some New Additions

    Just thought I'd share a few pics if the gold rams we added to our 55 gal. The male (we think) The female (we think) Not exactly sure about the genders, the one we think is male has a pointed dorsal fin and more coloring on his face whereas the female has a rounded fin and a slight pink...
  21. FreshwaterAfishianado

    My Tank

    I think it looks great, I really like how you used the gravel to border the sand like that. I also like the plant selection, it'll be very lush once it fills in
  22. FreshwaterAfishianado

    Lighting Poll

    On my 55 gal I use 2 clip-on desk lamps with 40w equivalent cfl bulbs, have my timer set for 2 4 hour on periods with a 4 hour break in between. Seems to do well though I wouldn't call it heavily planted. My wife's fluval spec V we use the LED lights that came with the tank with the same 4 on 4...
  23. FreshwaterAfishianado

    Ammonia Problem

    No problem, that's what these forums are for. As for what TwoTankAmin has said, yes it is true that a lower pH does make ammonia less toxic and nitrite more toxic, but in a fully cycled tank the reading 0 for both. Also I find assuming a false positive test result both irresponsible...
  24. FreshwaterAfishianado

    Ammonia Problem

    OK. Well that clears up the "why" of the situation, your filter us not cycled. Fish-in cycling can take months even when done properly. As for your question about the ammonia being at 1.0ppm, yes prolonged exposure at that level can and will poison fish, death is a matter of time if left at...
  25. FreshwaterAfishianado

    Ammonia Problem

    Don't beat yourself up too badly, you're fixing the problem now ans that's all that can be done, though I am sorry that you've lost fish, that's never easy. As far as moving old water, that's more about putting less stress on the fish during acclimation than bacteria. The vast majority of...
  26. FreshwaterAfishianado

    Ammonia Problem

    First thing you should do is change as much of the water as possible, drain as much as you can leaving just enough so that the fish are swimming upright, about 90%. Make sure you treat and temperature match the new water with your dechlorinator. You really need to do a single large water change...
  27. FreshwaterAfishianado

    The Old Tank Is Out, Now Time For A Betta!

    All of those are beautiful fish, my personal favorites are the crown tails. Here's a pic.of my wife's named Apollo
  28. FreshwaterAfishianado


    The lfs where I live in WA has them, I'm not sure why they would be frowned upon though?
  29. FreshwaterAfishianado

    German Blue Ram & Apistogramma Aggression Questions

    Glad to hear you were able to resolve the aggression and keep all the fish. Do you have any pictures of this tank? It sounds like an interesting setup
  30. FreshwaterAfishianado

    German Blue Ram & Apistogramma Aggression Questions

    The fights are most likely over territory, not the female. As far as fighting to the death, I think its unlikely, however the stress from consistant aggression could stress the fish to a point that compromises their immune systems. If that happens then the fish being bullied is susceptible to...
  31. FreshwaterAfishianado

    When Adding Fish...

    If you use that stocking then I would add the tetra first, about 5 at a time, and give a few days between each batch of 5 testing your ammonia, nitrite and nitrate until they stabalize again. Then the cories, again testing daily, and lastly the rams. However I think the stock could use a little...
  32. FreshwaterAfishianado

    German Blue Ram & Apistogramma Aggression Questions

    Calling these fish "quite different" is much more misleading than lumping them with a genus that they were actually a part of for several decades, the name "ram" was given to.the species by aquarium hobbyists, not biologists or taxonomists. As I said, for all practical purposes in an aquarium...
  33. FreshwaterAfishianado

    German Blue Ram & Apistogramma Aggression Questions

    Though technically true that a GBR isn't an Apistogramna, saying that they're distinctly different fish isn't exactly true either. The name of this species has been under debate since its discovery. It has also been called Microgeophagus Ramirezi, Papiliochromis Ramirezi, Geophagus Ramirezi...
  34. FreshwaterAfishianado

    Plant Id

    OK, thanks. I bought 2 stems that were about 8" tall a week ago, and now they're both nearly growing out of my tank.
  35. FreshwaterAfishianado

    Plant Id

    Hey could anyone ID this plant for me? Lfs wasn't sure what it was but its growing like crazy in my tank. Thanks
  36. FreshwaterAfishianado

    German Blue Ram & Apistogramma Aggression Questions

    What size tank are they in? I don't think it is generally advised to keep multiple apisto.species together, though that's not to say its impossible. In nature different species of apisto would almost never coexist, during most of the year they live in small areas of.flooded forest or very slow...
  37. FreshwaterAfishianado

    Community Tank Possible Aggression

    It sounds like youve had a rough time lately, im sorry to hear that but I wouldn't be so quick to blame.the festivum for sores or deaths, the fact that he was snacking on a dead fish isn't surprising, but any fish that is omnivorous or carnivorous will take advantage of free meat that can't...
  38. FreshwaterAfishianado

    September 2013 - Fish Of The Month Entries

    Here's my male festivum, Clyde Confirmation
  39. FreshwaterAfishianado

    Right Ammonia?

    If I remember correctly surfactants are only there to help with dissolving the ammonia in water, I could be wrong though.