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  1. MichtheFishGirl

    Everything Is Going Wrong

    This has been excellent advice thank you all. I did 24L water change before bed and I am pleased to report this morning there are no fatalities and everyone is at the front of the tank. Still sitting low but better colour and not huddled like last night. Doing another change again before work...
  2. MichtheFishGirl

    Everything Is Going Wrong

    Yes I have used way too much. I am so daft I am only treating the water going in not the whole tank aren't I? Yes Prime smells, but this reeked with the lid on and the cupboard closed I could still smell it. - Thrown out now anyway.. I am furious with myself. Water change in the morning for...
  3. MichtheFishGirl

    Everything Is Going Wrong

    Oh crap. It's a bit late tonight, will do first thing before work. I hope they survive the night. Shall I put carbon filters back in after this water change? Is 29 too hot?
  4. MichtheFishGirl

    Everything Is Going Wrong

    I have 90L tank Temp 29C PH 6.5 Ammonia 0 1 Platinum Gourami 3 German Blue Rams 3 Platys 1 Pleco sucker Two days ago I did the weekly thing and removed about 15 litres and replaced with same temp water and Prime water additive. The Prime smelt 100 times worse than usual and I put about two...
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  6. MichtheFishGirl

    Discus White Spot?

    More pics.. he is more sluggish today. hanging at the top of the tank
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  11. MichtheFishGirl

    Discus White Spot?

    Thank you so much.. Fingers crossed.    It would be a pity to lose him, they all get along so well... even when angel's laid eggs there was no turf war. 
  12. MichtheFishGirl

    Discus White Spot?

    Ph 6.4 always steady Ammonia 0 temp now 27C 2 Gourami 2 Angelfish 2 Discus 3 Platys 100 litre tank Discus have never had a problem until now
  13. MichtheFishGirl

    Discus White Spot?

    My large discus has white fluffy spots and is a little out of sorts. Still eating. I dropped the temp a couple of days ago to 25-26C as I had 5 neon cardinals die and thought it was the temp. I have attached pictures.    I have turn the temp up and put one treatment of Myxazin into the tank. He...
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  16. MichtheFishGirl

    Black Spots On Discus/ Is My Guppy Pregnant?

    My discus has black spots on him, he has always had a small amount but as he grows there seems to be more. Is this normal?   I also have a guppy that has gotten quite bloated and it now hovering around the bottom of the tank breathing heavy. I thought I had all males but I have no clue as I am...
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