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  1. jeffsfish25

    Fish Continue To Die - Established Tank - Need Advice

    Yes the_lock_man that is the fish I had. The tank is failing and I am now down to 2 fish.   I am just going to have to wait till the last ones die and then start over.   Thoughts on a restart? Start with new materials?   Lava Rock vs Wood? New gravel? New Plants? Scrub tank walls?   Thanks...
  2. jeffsfish25

    Fish Continue To Die - Established Tank - Need Advice

    no they are long skinny and completely see through. I have had them in the tank for 2 years, only 1 left.
  3. jeffsfish25

    Fish Continue To Die - Established Tank - Need Advice

    Thank you for all the good information.   I would say that I probably have done a 50% water change monthly for the last 5 years with no issues. I might do a 30% water change in between if I notice a spike in waste or algae levels, but keeping the tank pretty clean.   The latest introduction was...
  4. jeffsfish25

    Fish Continue To Die - Established Tank - Need Advice

    what is the definition of old tank syndrome and what basically happens? Please note the tank is only 4-5 years old
  5. jeffsfish25

    Fish Continue To Die - Established Tank - Need Advice

    Already did a 50% water change last week and on Saturday. No change only increased loss of fish. I am losing my largest and oldest fish now the angel, which is almost the last fish left.   I have 5 fish left only, the rest are dead
  6. jeffsfish25

    Fish Continue To Die - Established Tank - Need Advice

    Types of Fish:   Black skirt tetra (4) Black Phantom Tetra (2) Red Minor Serpae Tetra (2) Angel Fish (1) Pleco Algae Eater (2) Tetra Red Eye (2)   cichlids (2) Forgot the name (see through, long body, with catfish whiskers)  
  7. jeffsfish25

    Fish Continue To Die - Established Tank - Need Advice

    I had 6 chicilds and 4 Tetras I have 1 angel, 1 algae eater, and 2 tetras left. The last fish are already showing signs of weakness
  8. jeffsfish25

    Fish Continue To Die - Established Tank - Need Advice

    I do not have the specific levels for ammonia, nitrite, nitrate and pH, but they were checked at the fish store (twice). All levels were normal. I started doing 50% change in the last two weeks to see if we could flush out any thing that could be in the tank.   I was advised to raise the water...
  9. jeffsfish25

    Fish Continue To Die - Established Tank - Need Advice

    30 Gallon Tank 10 South American Fish 1 Angel Fish 1 Algae Eater - 2 Fake Plants - 1 Small Rock - 1 Piece of Wood Standard Filter  Standard Heater (80 degrees)    All water levels have been checked. Took in two samples for testing, plus sample of faucet water to test for hardness Regular water...