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  1. S

    Sudden Bloodfin Die-Off

    Sorry, Ammonia is 0, skipped over that one by accident.  here are 2 pics of the BH tetra, the danios were moving too fast to get a pic.
  2. 100_1327.JPG


  3. 100_1329.JPG


  4. S

    Sudden Bloodfin Die-Off

    Well, the last bloodfin just passed.  In the process of getting him out, i flushed out one of the hiding bleeding heart tetras.  He seems to have white patches on the edges of his operculum (gill cover) and along the edges of his fins.  I will try to take a pic, the danios have it the worst and...
  5. S

    Sudden Bloodfin Die-Off

    Hello, I am new here, but not new to fish. I woke up this morning to a gruesome sight: 9 of 10 bloodfin tetras dead, who had been alive the previous day, and the last one quite unwell. I have kept fish for over 20 years, and have never seen anything like this before. I don't know, maybe I've...