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  1. Teacup

    Fish Continue To Die

    Essentially, having a stable level of PH is more important than the actual level of PH (i.e. consistent fluctuations can be stressful to the fish, even if it is slightly higher than you would like, it is better to keep it the same, as opposed to messing with it so that it moves up and down...
  2. Teacup

    Fish Continue To Die

    PS to my last meesage - I forgot to mention that, because the beneficial bacteria is in the filter and (a very very small amount!) is in the plants/decorations, doing a large water change will not shock the fish per say - however, if the water chemistry or temperature is significantly different...
  3. Teacup

    Fish Continue To Die

    What are your water readings right now? If ammonia and nitrites are extremely high, I would do a large water change (i.e. 50% to 80%) - but if they are only slightly high (i.e. 0.25), I would stick to 25% to 30% water change. Again, this is based on my experience and I have had excellent...
  4. Teacup

    Fish Continue To Die

    First step is to breath – you came to a site to seek help when you were unsure – bravo! You have your fishies in there now, so do what you can to make them comfortable (ps – a 55g is a nice space for them). I would keep testing your water and whenever you see any readings above 0 for ammonia...
  5. Teacup

    Question About Qt Tank With Corydoras

    Thanks all - I'll try the fishless cycle method and I will get some prime (I'm guessing our lfs will have that). Once all looks good in the QT, I'll add in the cories. What about Tetra SafeStart - any benefit to using this as well?
  6. Teacup

    Question About Qt Tank With Corydoras

    I am hoping to introduce some peppered or panda corydoras in with our black widow tetras soon. I have a 10g tank that can be used as a QT, which I will transfer in old filter media, etc. Because it seems that corydoras require a good established tank (and I do not want to add them directly in...
  7. Teacup

    Would Love Some Help Choosing Bottom Feeders To Dwell With My Black Wi

    Sad news: the lfs had a bunch of fish come in....all fish made it (i.e. lived), except for the cories...this whole shipping thing makes me feel horrible...I wish someone sold them locally  :(
  8. Teacup

    Would Love Some Help Choosing Bottom Feeders To Dwell With My Black Wi

    Okay, this might sound like a silly question, but in my world, it feels like a sensible question! For now, I have decided to introduce one bristlenose pleco and about seven (or more) corydoras (leaning toward peppered or panda). I will use my 10g for quarantine purposes. My question is this...
  9. Teacup

    Would Love Some Help Choosing Bottom Feeders To Dwell With My Black Wi

    Well, now that is one way to solve my dilemma! I like the way you think!
  10. Teacup

    New And Happy To Have Help

    I'd be more comfortable with just having one in the tank - but then I'd worry that he/she might be lonely! I'm 95% certain I will be adding in one (or three) gourami, though, if I do this, I do hope that my little black widow tetras don't find the flowing bits of gourami worthy of nipping! They...
  11. Teacup

    Would Love Some Help Choosing Bottom Feeders To Dwell With My Black Wi

    Great, thanks! I am strongly leaning toward the cories - loving the pleco...but still going to research a little more on yoyos before making my final decision!
  12. Teacup

    New And Happy To Have Help

    Thanks all! I had never considered adding a gourami - they are so pretty! Would a pearl gourami be okay on his/her own, or is it better to have them in pairs? (Realizing that I should be starting a new post for this, ahh well!)
  13. Teacup

    New And Happy To Have Help

    I guess I am doing this backwards as I already posted...sorry! I have eight black widow tetras in a 55g tank. For awhile now, I have been hesitant to add more as these tetras seem very happy on their own. A part of me, however, would like to add at least one more type of fish...which is what led...
  14. Teacup

    Would Love Some Help Choosing Bottom Feeders To Dwell With My Black Wi

    Thanks all - I love the idea of corydoras or yo yo loaches. After looking around the lfs, I have to say that plecos look like fun little guys! My biggest concern now is that, based on various websites, it seems that all of these guys do better with sand. Where we have pebble-like gravel (though...
  15. Teacup

    Would Love Some Help Choosing Bottom Feeders To Dwell With My Black Wi

    We have a 55 gallon and we only have the tetras as of now. I'm not sure about the type of substrate we have in there, but it is made up of small pebbles, perhaps half a centimeter, give or take, per pebble. I have avoided getting any tankmates as they are happy as can be alone and I would hate...
  16. Teacup

    Would Love Some Help Choosing Bottom Feeders To Dwell With My Black Wi

    Hi!  I am wondering about a "good fit" regarding bottom feeders with eight black widow tetras.  We would like to add about six to ten of one kind of bottom feeder (because it seems many like to be in groups!). So far, we are leaning towards yoyo loaches, kuhli loaches, or some type of corydoras...