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  1. deniselovestochat

    My bettas have fin rot

    Thanks I will do that
  2. deniselovestochat

    My bettas have fin rot

    I have been treating them with Melafix stress coat aquarium salt and indian almond leafs. I admit it's my fault I was not cleaning their tanks as much as I should. I put a reminder on my phone for every Wednesday. Any advice would be great Thanks
  3. deniselovestochat

    Raising African Dwarf Frogs

    hello I am going to be getting some African Dwarf frogs and breeding them. I have breed bettas before and know a few things about breeding.     right now I do not have the frogs yet and I am preparing for when I get them.   I will be posting my experiance with you guys.   right now I have a 5...
  4. deniselovestochat

    Just Joined Hello From Canada

    I have 3 female plays and one male   I have 9 neon tetras and 3 cory cats
  5. deniselovestochat

    Just Joined Hello From Canada

    hello I will be breeding african dwarf frogs and platys.   I have had my fish tank for about a year now.   I have a 29 gallon and a 5 gallon tank:fish:   in my 29 gallon I have platys and neon tetras.   I am still cyceling my 5 gallon for some african dwarf frogs.   I have breed bettas before...