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  1. J

    I Thought Young Discus Are Supposed To Be Voracious Eaters?

    I just got three one-inch long discus a week ago. They seem to be doing really well, but they're not voracious eaters at all. When I put the frozen beefheart in the tank they can never find it, so I have to wave it in front of their face - even then, they usually "sniff" it and nibble a bit...
  2. J

    My Ram Cichlids Laid Eggs?!?

    I'm sure of it now because I see one of the parents guarding them, and they're definitely more colorful than they were.  Also, the eggs are 1-2 days old but they're all clearish, not tan? shouldn't they be tan? does this mean they're fungused/inviable?
  3. J

    My Ram Cichlids Laid Eggs?!?

      I have four (what I THOUGHT were male) ram cichlids in a tank, along with a neon tetra and a plecostomus. There's nothing else in the tank except snails (and I KNOW what snail eggs look like). I just saw today that the back of my small piece of driftwood is covered in eggs! I thought ram...
  4. J

    Maximum Nitrate Level For Discus?

    If it matters, I'm talking about tank-bred red turquoise discus.   What is the maximum nitrate level they can tolerate before I need to do a water change?
  5. J

    Are Discus Really As Difficult As Everyone Says?

    Thanks everyone!   So if I was starting with say a 100 gallon tank (I suppose I need to upgrade when they get bigger?) How often do you think I would need to do water changes?
  6. J

    Are Discus Really As Difficult As Everyone Says?

    what do you guys recommend in terms of tank size? short term/long term
  7. J

    Are Discus Really As Difficult As Everyone Says?

      I've always LOVED discus and wanted to keep them but I always tell myself "mehh I'ma needa buy a RO filter (the water hardness in my area is 300ppm)" and "i'm'a have to do daily water changes" and all that. but then i just talked to my friend (who lives in my area) who has been maintaining a...