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  1. R

    Betta and Siamese Algae Eater

    Hello, I would like to introduce a betta into my tank however I gave a siamese true algae eater in there. Would the two be compatible? The siamese is quite a lively specimen and also at times does swim in the upper areas of the tank. are the two likely to fight? Regards
  2. R

    Ph KH C02

    how much did the whole kit cost?
  3. R

    Ph KH C02

    Hi, Any picture will help, especially of your c02 kit.
  4. R

    Ph KH C02

    I once experimented putting in a teaspoon of soda in a 14l bucket and ph shot up to 8+. That is why i got worried. Maybe I exaggerated with the soda. I would like to raise the kh first before putting any c02 in. Measure my kh this morning and it's only 2,3 degrees. Do you have any advice in...
  5. R

    internal filter

    I would like to install another filter in my juwel 96 tank. I would not replace the existing filter but just add another internal one. Any suggestions? It would be nice to have something smallish but effective
  6. R

    Ph KH C02

    Yes but what if my ph is already at 7 and have only 3 degrees kh. Adding baking soda will raise my ph to 8+ with drastic consequences won't it. Any advice would be appreciated. I have the same problem. I want to add CO2 but need to increas kh so that ph won't crash. But if i raise the kh before...
  7. R

    External filters

    Hi, I have a rekord 96 and i am not happy with the filtration quality. I have read other posts on the subject and it seems that external filters are the solution. However is there the danger that one of the pipes may come off and flood the room in which the tank is placed? This is my only worry.