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  1. S

    Disappearing Bristlenose

    This is going to sound like a really stupid question but I returned from a 10 day holiday - during which time I left my fish unfed (2 bristlenose, 6 tiger barbs, 6 zebra danios) - to find myself missing one of the bristlenoses I removed all the rocks from the tank, stirred the sand around...
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    Holiday planning

    I have a 27 gallon tank with 2 bristlenose, 7 zebras and 6 green tiger barbs I will be going away for two weeks from this weekend and cannot make reliable feeding arrangements Over the last two weeks I have brought them down to one feed a day and plan to drop this to one every two days this...
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    Advice on next fish please

    Thanks - yes please for the gourami suggestions!
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    Advice on next fish please

    I have a 27.5 gallon tank stocked with 2 baby bristlenose plecs 8 zebra danios 5 green tiger barbs All perfecty happy - water readings are all OK for PH, nitrites and nitrates I am looking for something slightly larger than the tigers - ideally discus but I am not sure if they would be...
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    Fishless cycle - cloudy water

    Daza I haven't taken ammonia readings immediately after adding it but I am keeping to half a capful of Jeyes per day and it is always at 0.1 24 hours later. I think that the green is just from the dying plants which I have removed from the tank tonight Will give it a couple of days to settle...
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    Fishless cycle - cloudy water

    I have been fishless cycling since January 2 and quite frankly am getting quite tired of waiting for my nitrites to zero out To cap it all, over the last three days, my water, which was crystal clear, has gone green and cloudy, and some of my nice tall grass like plants, have gone flat and...
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    Fishless cycling frustrations

    I have been fishless cycling since January 2 based on advice gleaned from the links in this forum For the last TWO WEEKS my ammonia has been at 0.1 and my nitrites around 1 or 1.5 Does this sound reasonable to anyone with experience of fishless cycling? The temptation to stick a little shoal...
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    Fishless cycle

    I have been fishless cycling for 28 days, adding ammonia every day, but my readings are exactly where they were a week ago Ammonia 0.1 Nitrite 2 Nitrate 25 If I start with a small shoal, are there any fish that are OK in these levels or do I need to give it another week? Thanks
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    Real basic question What can you do when you go away for a week or two and there is nobody you can count on to call round and feed your fish? Is there anything available that releases small quantities of food over time Alternatively, how long can you leave a small (25 gallon) community tank...
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    first fish

    my tropical fish book tells me that Butterfly Plecs (Peckoltia pulcher) (suckermouth catfish) like water at 23-28 Centigrade and is ideal for a community tank and is great for algae - it doesn't say anything about fast flowing cold water
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    first fish

    I am two weeks into a fishless cycle on a 25 gallon tank I have lots of brown algae in the tank and was thinking of kicking things off with either a couple of Otocinclus or Bristlenoses Aternatively a Butterfly plec Then I will introduce some small schooling fish a couple of weeks later -...
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    Help - my heater has stopped working

    I have a 150W Fluval Tronic which is just 2 weeks old. I am 2 weeks into a fishless cycle. Just for fun yesterday, I did a 10% water change - as a practice run for when I have fish I switched everything off and after 10 minutes or so removed the heater and the filter for a clean Having put...
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    Ammonia testing

    Thanks for the advice Its just that with ammonia - I want to be really sure - thinking you are at 0.1 when you are actually at 4 would not be good
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    Ammonia testing

    I am currently fishless cycling with my 25 gallon tank - I am 12 days in to the process The instructions on my ammonia test kit require me to dissolve test tablets 1 and 2 in 5ml of water and wait for 5 minutes before doing a colour match I do my match after 5 minutes but notice that the...
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    fishless cycling - daily testing

    Thanks for your help Daza
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    fishless cycling - daily testing

    I am fishless cycling using "Jeyes Kleen off" which I know some of you don't agree with - but please don't go on about it ! I am adding about half a capful to my 25 gallon tank each morning and testing each evening - so I allow some time for the newly added ammonia to be broken down by ammonia...
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    Ammonia for fishless cycling

    Thanks Daza Will do as you suggest
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    Ammonia for fishless cycling

    Yep I was given some cycle - but I don't think this includes ammonia - I thought that this simply introduced the bacteria into your freshly dechlorinated water - so I don't think it is suitable for fishless cycling
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    Ammonia for fishless cycling

    Thanks I am having a frustrating time with ammonia I have contacted three LFS and none of them stock ammonia and ALL said - chuck some fish food in mate I did this but in an earlier post I got a reaction of horror and was told to use ammonia and this was available from chemists I went to...
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    Ammonia for fishless cycling

    I am new to this site and to fish keeping but it is rather difficult to know how to proceed when advice ranges from "yes this is fine" to "definitely not" ! As I have now started with this product, I guess I will have to go for a major water change prior to introducing any fish
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    Ammonia for fishless cycling

    Yes it is - thank you !
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    Ammonia for fishless cycling

    Hi The only ammonia I have been able to buy locally is "Jeyes Kleen Off" - ammonia household cleaner The bottle helpfully tells me that the produce contains ammonia but nothing more on possible additives Has anyone used this product for cycling? Thanks
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    Fishless cycling - using flake food for ammonia

    Thank you Did you add a pinch of flakes every day? If not, what dose were you adding and how often? (Mine is 27.5 gallons max capacity) Cheers
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    Fishless cycling - using flake food for ammonia

    I have a new 25 gal tank which I have planted and started fishless cycling I was not able to get any ammonia from either my LFS or local shops. I read on this site that fish food was OK to use (I have subsequently read another post which said this was not a good idea but too late!) Until I can...
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    fishless cycling - when do I add the plants?

    I am a total newbie with a brand new empty tank I have used this site to read up on fishless cycling, which I will do However, I am not clear at what point in the process plant life can be added Thank you for any help