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  1. ShannonKoletti

    Ammonia Peak

    Not to be rude but I created this thread in seek of help for ammonia, not to be told who can’t go with who, I’m already aware of the risks and don’t need to be told that I have stocking issues?.. I already stated I knew the complications and risks of having a betta in a community tank. My PH is...
  2. ShannonKoletti

    Ammonia Peak

    Just with the powder gradually, my PH has been stable at 6.8 for about a week now no issues at all not even with the constant water changes or new plants/pots so it’s all good, hasn’t budged. I know fighting fish are heavily not recommended but my guy just argues with his own reflection or...
  3. ShannonKoletti

    Ammonia Peak

    Little update, Yesterday morning my Ammonia was at 0.50ppm still, I fed the fish then did a large water change about 8 hours later. I pulled out all of my plants and ornaments, upturned the sand then cleaned out all gunk and debris, added seachem prime to the new water as well as liquid...
  4. ShannonKoletti

    Ammonia Peak

    Okay thank you so much for all your help I really appreciate it, hopefully my tank starts working soon so I can admire it and not just stress about it. Never had this many problems with a tank before. I just bought Water Sprite online from a super sketchy site that hopefully won't steal my...
  5. ShannonKoletti

    Ammonia Peak

    Okay, thank you.. so I should be doing big water changes every 2nd day after I feed? I'm worried about killing bacteria whilst water changing. I heard that it's better to have a lower PH so I did drop it a bit, only one step so it wouldn't freak out anyone and it's safe enough for all my fish...
  6. ShannonKoletti

    Ammonia Peak

    It went up to about 1.0ppm, I fed them this morning then did a 70% water change, added Nutrafin Cycle and and my Blue Planet Water Conditioner, waited about 3 hours then tested the water.. it's down to 0.50ppm again. What can I do for the filter? It's all flowing out fine, there's gunk already...
  7. ShannonKoletti

    Ammonia Peak

    Ammonia is still at 0.50ppm.. does that mean my established filter media just isn’t working? I haven’t fed them for a couple days now and there’s nothing decaying in there.. Will do a water change today and head out to buy duckweed.
  8. ShannonKoletti

    Ammonia Peak

    The filter is just a stock Aqua One filter that came with a tank.. it's a top filter that has a pipe that shoots water down from about 10 different points into a sponge layer, beneath the sponge layer is a filter carbon cartridge layer and then beneath that is where I put ceramic ring filter...
  9. ShannonKoletti

    Ammonia Peak

    Okay thank you. This morning I went to check my ammonia and lo and behold.. I’ve forgotton to plug the filter back in. My ammonia is now at 0.50ppm.. don’t think I’m cut out for this fish keeping business. Should I do another water change now or wait until my filter maybe does the job? The...
  10. ShannonKoletti

    Ammonia Peak

    Okay thank you so much I really appreciate all your help. It's only slightly cloudy now it's gotten a bit better but still isn't going away. My fish seem constantly hungry I feel so bad, I have frozen bloodworms but have been feeding them just tropical flakes, would the frozen bloodworms be...
  11. ShannonKoletti

    Ammonia Peak

    Drats, I've gone and done a 50% water change before reading your response.. I added the ammonia neutraliser and water conditoner into the fresh water, let it rest and it actually read as 0ppm (yesterday it was 0.25ppm) so I'm hoping this will lower my ammonia even further, tomorrow will test...
  12. ShannonKoletti

    Ammonia Peak

    I just got home, checked my PH, and it's still at 0.25? Should I do another water change or let my new filter media kick in to rid of it?
  13. ShannonKoletti

    Ammonia Peak

    There’s a few different ones you can buy of the aqua one ammonia neutraliser, my one only deals with ammonia. You can buy the one that deals with chlorine as well but I didn’t get that one.
  14. ShannonKoletti

    Ammonia Peak

    Oh well at least my plants are happy! This morning I tested my water and it was at 0.25ppm.. maybe even a bit lower. I removed some fish and took them to my big tank, and removed filter media and put it into my new tank! Hopefully it’s on the mend
  15. ShannonKoletti

    Ammonia Peak

    Sorry for posting so often but I think I have a new issue.. there’s little air bubbles coming off of my plants? I’m not sure what the particular plant is but it looks like parsley. Is this bad?
  16. ShannonKoletti

    Ammonia Peak

    At least the fish love when I do water changes and I’m getting kind of the hang of it.. they all swim near the air hose to get taken by the slow flow it’s very cute and playful
  17. ShannonKoletti

    Ammonia Peak

    Oh no! I’ve removed 50% of my water already and added the ammonia neutraliser as well as water conditioner to the new water to add back into my tank.. at least if I do a water change it may reduce ammonia level as it had risen? Tomorrow I will grab filter media and gravel thanks so much. I’ve...
  18. ShannonKoletti

    Ammonia Peak

    Okay thanks so much everyone I’m doing a water change now will update on outcome tomorrow.. fingers crossed no more casualties.
  19. ShannonKoletti

    Ammonia Peak

    If I buy seachem prime and use that, take more filter media and gravel from my established tank and put it into mine, do you think the bacteria would eat the ammonia fast enough before the seachem wares off? (24 hrs) I’m just really worried doing another big water change when my tap water is...
  20. ShannonKoletti

    Ammonia Peak

    If I do big water changes won’t I just keep losing my good bacteria so I’m back to square one? Will taking more filter media and maybe some gravel from my established tank help?.. there was also another dead fish in my tank today all day I assume while I was at work so I think that’s why my...
  21. ShannonKoletti

    Ammonia Peak

    I’m a little confused.. my readings are as follows; Regular tap water: 0.50ppm Tap with water conditioner: between 0ppm and 0.25ppm Tap with aqua one ammonia neutraliser: 0ppm Tank water: Between 1ppm and 2ppm now.. I tested my 200L and it’s showing as 0ppm so it’s reading correctly
  22. ShannonKoletti

    Ammonia Peak

    So guys.. I just tested my tap water pure and untreated, it has 0.50ppm in it! So my tap water is the issue! What can I do to rectify this?
  23. ShannonKoletti

    Ammonia Peak

    My 200L is over 10 years old, all fish are happy and healthy, no ammonia or nitrite readings I’m just concerned as have 5 fully grown angelfish (2 breeding pairs) and 2 6 inch silver shark.. I have swordtails in there with them that they don’t bother but all my new fish in New tank are 1 - 2...
  24. ShannonKoletti

    Ammonia Peak

    Okay I’ll keep doing my water changes and hopefully it will work, should I remove some fish and put them into my 200L tank to reduce ammonia?
  25. ShannonKoletti

    Ammonia Peak

    Aw man :( this is getting quite difficult.. Should I just keep using my water conditioner, and not do a water change tonight so hopefully my good bacteria have a chance to kill the ammonia? I’m thinking the aqua one ammonia neutraliser is what’s giving me the reading now so if that’s working...
  26. ShannonKoletti

    Ammonia Peak

    Thanks so much, I’ll deifnitely test my tap water when I get home. I live in Australia. Seachem Prime states that it rids of Chlorine, Ammonia, Nitrate and Nitrite from tap water so I’ll purchase some of that. The big water changes won’t harm the fish or the bacteria colony growing? I’m worried...
  27. ShannonKoletti

    Ammonia Peak

    Yeah I know that’s why I bought it.. I took my water to get tested before purchasing it and was told my ammonia is at 1 so bought it in fear of losing more fish, then did a big water change so I assume that’s still why the reading is high. Do you recommend a different water conditioner? Like...
  28. ShannonKoletti

    Ammonia Peak

    When I say ammonia neutraliser I’m referring to the Aqua One Ammonia Neutraliser I purchased, nothing to do with my water conditioner. Should I be purchasing a different conditioner that does everything? What brands would do that? Not yet as stated above I plan on doing that tonight after work...
  29. ShannonKoletti

    Ammonia Peak

    I tested it this morning and it’s still at 1, I left the water for 30 mins and everything not sure what to do now, I think I’ll test my tap water with three different variables, clean water, added water conditioner, and added ammonia neutraliser to see if anything is giving a false reading. I’m...
  30. ShannonKoletti

    Ammonia Peak

    Okay thank you so much for your help I really appreciate it I’ve just gotten home from work and am about to do the big water change (wish me luck) By pump I meant air pump like the air stones had no air coming out of them they were just dormant, not my filter so no oxygen was in the tank. :(...
  31. ShannonKoletti

    Ammonia Peak

    I’m using Blue Planet Water Conditioner which I use for my big tank and never had an issue. Yes tank is cycled. Will the fish be okay if I do a 75% water change every day?.. taking out that much won’t stress them too much? Also the neutriliser chips I bought should I be using them everyday...
  32. ShannonKoletti

    Ammonia Peak

    Hi everyone, I took my water to be tested as one of my guppies sadly passed, and was told everything’s fine except my ammonia which is at 1. I’ve done a 20% waterchange a couple days ago then yesterday did another 30% water change. Today I tested my water with an API ammonia kit and it’s still...
  33. ShannonKoletti

    Community Tank

    Thanks for that, guppy died the next day unfortunately as well as one of my electric blue rams, my pump had an issue while I was at work and the air was off all day, pretty gutted but the other one is doing fine.
  34. ShannonKoletti

    Community Tank

    I only added the established media about 4 days ago because I hadn't even thought of it to be honest, was just trying to be patient with my tank. I then added fish the next day. My congos can go into my other tank so there will be 5, always happy to grab another guy they're my favourite fish so...
  35. guppy.jpg


  36. ShannonKoletti

    Community Tank

    I had my tank cycled for a month fishless with only live plants, and used filter media from my established 200L tank that's been running fine for 10 years. I have vegetarian algae wafers for them which they're devouring as well as my corys. I'll be getting more of them once I have the money as...
  37. ShannonKoletti

    Community Tank

    Just a little update, my Pearl Gourami is now making what seems to be a bubble nest at the top of the tank, I know my dwarf gourami's did this when I had them so I think that's what he's doing? Also, should I be doing daily water changes with so many fish or every 2nd or 3rd day? It's a newly...
  38. ShannonKoletti

    Community Tank

    Hi everyone, I recently stocked my cycled tank, and was wondering if my stock is adequate. My tank is 100L and so far is housing; 7 x Male Guppies 11 x Neon Tetras 2 x Sailfin Mollies 3 x Male platies 3 x Congo Tetras 2 x Boesmani Rainbows 1 x Pearl Gourami 2 x Electric Blue Rams 3 x Corydoras...
  39. ShannonKoletti

    Angel Fish Fry Help!

    I cleaned the new tank when I got it with just boiling water and I've been doing 20% water changes every day. The two little babies are still alive and the new eggs are still with the parents! I don't have any gravel in there but I do have two little tiny pot plants from the main tank. I've...
  40. ShannonKoletti

    Angel Fish Fry Help!

    Filter was brand new which I also thought may of been the reason, but I’m thinking the nursery was just way too dirty for them before I had moved them? I wasn’t at work for a bit so I hadn’t been getting to check on them, my co workers were looking after them. They’re being fed First Bites by...