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  1. Dstreet

    My Angelfish Have Spawned! Pic & Vid

    The Angels are not in the tank in my sig so unfortunately there was no slate for them to breed on.  I have since added a piece of slate at one end of the tank in hopes that they will move the fry to the slate.  The roof of the castle is not a good place for the fry as the slope is too steep and...
  2. Dstreet

    My Angelfish Have Spawned! Pic & Vid

    Update:   Both parents have now started to move the fry from the filter tube to a castle decoration in the tank. Not sure why they decided to do this other than to get them away from the bad eggs that have fungus growing on them.  Ton of work for the parents as the fry keep falling off the...
  3. moving_eggs.JPG


  4. Dstreet

    My Angelfish Have Spawned! Pic & Vid

    Update:   The Angel eggs are starting to hatch.  In the pic below you can see their tiny tails and black eyes.  All the eggs are starting to wiggle as their tails come out of the eggs. The parents are keeping vigil on the eggs and as they fall off the filter tube they catch them and spit them...
  5. Hatching.jpg


  6. Dstreet

    My Angelfish Have Spawned! Pic & Vid

    Did the parents move the fry or did you?
  7. Dstreet

    My Angelfish Have Spawned! Pic & Vid

    Here is a pic of my Angels and their eggs laid on Friday.
  8. Dstreet

    My Angelfish Have Spawned! Pic & Vid

    This is amazing...  I just came to the forum to read up on breeding angels as my angels laid eggs in my community tank on Friday Mar 29.  I was amazed to see your post about your angels breeding.   I am at day four and still have many eggs.  About 20% of the eggs have gone white.  I have...
  9. Dstreet

    Fry Rescue.

    I just rescued 17 baby platies from a friends community tank. Used the tube from the gravel siphon to suck them out into a bag. Worked great and all 17 platies are happy in my daughters baby tank.
  10. Dstreet

    Should I Get That Krib?

    I have a male and female Krib in a 60 gallon with 8 Tiger Barbs and a Feather Fin Synodontis cat. All are happy. Tiger Barbs basically ignore the Kribs.
  11. Dstreet

    Tiger Barb Shimmy

    I have 8 Tiger Barbs and they do the same thing. I figured it was normal behaviour, just playing.
  12. Dstreet

    Filter Maintenance Question

    Thanks. That helps. Will go with once a month unless I notice decrease in flow.
  13. Dstreet

    Filter Maintenance Question

    I have a 60 gallon tank with a Fluval C4 HOB filter. How often should I rinse the filter components (sponge, ceramics and charcoal)? During weekly water change or less often? Don't want to disturb bacteria but also do not want it to get too dirty? Should all media be rinsed at one time or...