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    Fin Nipped Tetra And Nippy Guppy

    So last night I spent hours moving my fish and setting up a new 75l (20gal) aquarium which was an upgrade of a 34l (<10gal) one. One of my Serpae tetras has been severely fin nipped and has difficulty swimming around. I was wondering if I was able to put just that one tetra into a small qt tank...
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    Fin Nipping

    Ok thankyou. Would this be much of an improvement,   I can't find anything similar with a larger capacity?   Thank you so much...
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    Fin Nipping

    What should I stick in the Quarantine tank though, the sick fish? Would it stress it to the point it dies? And also, can I just pump the water from my main tank through the quarantine tank, sort of defeats the purpose of doing it but the fish would be away from the others.   Thanks for your help!
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    Fin Nipping

    Hi,   Thanks for your response. I am aware of the causes, but I am after a solution. The obvious one would be to get a bigger aquarium, but what can I do for right now? Would it stress the Serpae too much for it to be put into a floating guppy breeder box? I also have another smaller unused...
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    Fin Nipping

    Request Help Tank size: 10 gallon pH: 7.2 ammonia: 0.25ppm nitrite: 0ppm  nitrate: 40ppm kH: n/a gH: n/a tank temp: During a 3 day heat wave between 28 - 35 but it is back down at a constant 28 degrees Celcius. Fish Symptoms (include full description including lesion, color, location, fish...
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    Tetra Fin Nipping Issue

    I currently have a 10 gallon aquarium that has been up and running since December last year.   It is currently stocked with: - 1 Bristle nose catfish - 5 Silvertip Tetras - 3 Serpae Tetras   I have had 2 deaths over the months, one Silvertip, and one Serpae. My problem is when I was looking at...
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    **urgent** Fish Slowly Dying...

    Thanks for your suggestions,   I just checked the tail and it is actually growing back nicely, it is very transparent so I must of missed it before. There is nothing visibly, physically wrong with it which is why I am so confused... As for getting a bigger tank, it's possible but unlikely as I...
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    **urgent** Fish Slowly Dying...

    Hi,   One of my Silvertip tetras had been fin nipped about a month ago, was growing back fine and then it was nipped again a week later. So far it has not grown back but that isn't my issue. 5 days ago it started to swim sort of on it's side, and then eventually was just laying on the gravel on...
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    General Advice

    Hello, I currently have a 34 litre (~10 gallons for you American's) freshwater tropical tank. The tank is cycled and all the levels are fine, considering that it is rain collected water.   I have had the tank for 3 months, and put in 4 serpae tetras after one month, to see how they would go...