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  1. W

    Guppy Showing Signs Of Swim Bladder Disease, Please Help!

    Hi everyone!   My beloved yellow tailed female guppy is showing signs of swim bladder disease, as she is having trouble staying stable and can only swim in circles. The other fish, particuarly the male guppy is constantly harassing her, which i am sure isnt good for her at the moment...
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    Black Molly Sitting On Bottom Of Aquarium Help!

    Sorry for the delay in replying! I have been conducting water changes daily and am managing to keep the ammonia levels under control, however nitrite levels are remaining present in the tank! I'm using AquaOne branded liquid based testing kits. I have a feeling AquaOne only exists in Australia...
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    Black Molly Sitting On Bottom Of Aquarium Help!

    Okay thanks! My tank is 200 Litres, or 920 x 360 x 620 Millimetres. Does the size of the tank have any sort of impact on this sort of problem? I guess its time to bring the bucket out again!
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    Black Molly Sitting On Bottom Of Aquarium Help!

    the_lock_man, I absolutely agree with you! You should never let your pet or anything live in a toxic environment. Thats why I have been following all of the very helpful adivce you have all been giving me. I have been doing large water changes daily, and also doing regular ammonia tests. I...
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    Black Molly Sitting On Bottom Of Aquarium Help!

    I haven't been able to do a water change as yet, however I just did another ammonia test and it's still sitting at around 0.05mg/L. So the ammonia levels appear to be rather steady, but I shall do another large water change now and contunue testing. Tomorrow I'm off to the pet shop to pick up a...
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    Black Molly Sitting On Bottom Of Aquarium Help!

    Unfortunately Nitrite test kits were sold out, there are meant to have a new batch in on Tuesday, so I guess I'll just have to wait until then . I'll do another ammonia test tomorrow, and report back to you with the results, and see if you suggest whether I should do another big water change...
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    Black Molly Sitting On Bottom Of Aquarium Help!

    Thanks guys! Following your advice I did a very large water change last night before bed, about 90%. I then filled it back up with de-chlorinated water.Today I went out and bought a liquid based ammonia testing kit, It appears to be showing a reading of around 0.5mg/L. This isnt very much but...
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    Black Molly Sitting On Bottom Of Aquarium Help!

    Hi Phoenixgsd! Thanks for replying! I did a fishless cycle using ammonia. I did that for seven days and then left for over a month to complete. I'll purchase a testing kit tomorrow and let you know of the results :)
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    Black Molly Sitting On Bottom Of Aquarium Help!

    Hi everyone! Yesterday I bought 2 guppies (female) and 2 mollies (male and female) for my new tank. It has been cycling for over one month without fish and since then the ammonia levels have reached zero. Yesterday the fish were happily swimming around, however my Black Molly seemed to be the...
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    Hello From Australia!

    Thank you Techen and Baccus! According the the testing kit the ammonia level was at zero and all the other levels such as pH seemed to also be fine. I think i'm going to have to remove the plants currently in there sooner or later because they do seem to be struggling. As far as the light...
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    Hello From Australia!

    Hello Everyone! My name is James, I am a 16 year old currently attending High School and live in the Hunter Valley region of NSW, Australia. I have had a fascination of fish for as long as I can remember, and decided now would be a good time to start looking at becoming a proud carer of the...