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  1. oscarfish123

    Tankmates For Oscar

    hahahh alright thanks guys how aabout 100 gallons??? and thats for the spelling error hahha
  2. oscarfish123

    Tankmates For Oscar

    i havetwo 4" oscars in a 55gallon is there any fish i could add... upgrading to a 75 gallom later just any fish that i could add beacuse the tank is kind of boering
  3. oscarfish123

    Shy Oscar Fish

    i buy them from lfs
  4. oscarfish123

    Murdered Mate

    gouramis are like fastfood or junk food for bettas they look to them as other bettas and become very aggressive towards him revolving into a fight unntil death
  5. oscarfish123

    Shy Oscar Fish

    soo i recently bought 2 baby oscars both about 3.5 inches one regular and one albino the regular is very energetic and glad to see me but the albino always hides and is very shy>>> is anything wrong?? they both eat well but actually the albino only eats about 550% of the time and they have a...