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  1. K

    Bacterial Blooms Explained

    Oh. :( . Well they have seemed happy & healthy for the last 3 years. :( I can't afford to get a filtration system right now, but I can afford a new mini motor for the bubbler. Will that help? There was a plant in there for a while but the algae eater ate it. I forgot to mention there is also a...
  2. K

    Bacterial Blooms Explained

    Also: I only have two neon tetras in a 1 gal tank. No filter etc...They have been happy little fish in this environment for 3 years. I'm pretty sure I over cleaned the tank 2 days ago. That's why I think I may need to add some sort of GOOD bacteria?
  3. K

    Bacterial Blooms Explained

    O.k. Here's what I got from the article. Please tell me if I'm wrong. Since I have an already established tank with fish in it, I should clean the uneaten food & other debris more often, add a plant for a better cycle & breakdown of ammonia, only do periodic 25% water changes & maybe add some...