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  1. K

    Ich & Snails

    I had an outbreak of Ich last week. I was treating it with a Petco brand of "Herbal Ich Treatment." 1. I recommend that you NEVER use this treatment, as nothing improved. 2. I had all 3 of my Sunset Fire Platies die. 3. The rest of my fish (only a few) also had the Ich really bad. I euthanized...
  2. K

    Ich Treatment Advice

    New to the forum and hoping that piggy-backing this thread will be okay. I am now "fighting" a recent outbreak of Ich as well -- today is Day 3 of treatment. I have 2 Glofish, 5 neon tetras and 3 Sunset Fire Platies. The platies are all alive, but laying/hovering on the gravel at bottom of...
  3. K

    Odd Sunset Fire Platy Behavior

    Hi all! New to the forum. I've set-up my 20gal tank about 5 months ago (went on hiatus for 8yrs). I have 5 neon tetras + 3 Sunset Fire Platties (1m, 2f). - The male stays by the side glass most of the time (nose to the glass). - 1 of the females is aggressive towards the other female. Any...