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  1. B

    Stocking My 55 Gallon

    hey guys. so i just got my 55 set up. its currently at 8.o ph and 80 degrees. i have a rainbow that outgrew a 29 gallon and now im moving him to the 55. i also want to add 7 or 8 african cichlids to the mix. the problem is i dont know who gets along with who. any help picking fish would be...
  2. B

    Cichlid Selection And Stocking

    hi guys. so i just set up my 55 gallon and its almost done cycling. ph is 8.0 temp is 80. im going to move a rainboow shark that is outgrowing a smaller temporary tank into the 55. i was thinking about getting 7 or 8 african cichlids to also go into the new tank. the problem is i dont know who...
  3. B

    Water Changes! How Do You Do It?

    will a clown loach be ok with dechlorinator because hes a loach or is there a special kind of dechlorinator for loaches? and do you guys put it in the tank and the new water buckets or just the tank?
  4. B

    Mixing My Fish!

    thanks guys i have a 55 gallon im going to transfer the lep and the loach into theyre still small though so i didnt want them to get bullied
  5. B

    Mixing My Fish!

    ok so i was wondering about purchasing a blue crayfish for my 20 gallon semi agressive aquarium. currently i have 3 black finned tetras, a clown loach, a rainbow shark, and a leporinus fasciatus. My loach and rainbow shark are about 2-3 inches long. Will the crayfish eat them or no? i have read...