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The October FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  1. LicianDragon

    Where In Toledo Oh Can You Get Live Plants?

    I get all mine from The shipping kinda makes it a bit pricey so I recommend getting all the plants you need in one order. All my plants from them have arrived in excellent condition and in generous quantities. Beyond that, you can always try out craigslist to see if any...
  2. LicianDragon

    Deteriorating Hi-Fin Molly!

    I'm keeping a close eye on them. So far everything's been fine. :)
  3. LicianDragon

    Deteriorating Hi-Fin Molly!

    Thanks for your help guys! She's actually doing much better this morning! Her fins are no longer clamped and she's back to being active again!  She also accepted food again this morning! To answer Fishaholic's question she's not skinny. I tried getting a picture of her anyway but she won't sit...
  4. LicianDragon

    Deteriorating Hi-Fin Molly!

    No recent additions and no bloating. The url didn't work but I'll look in Sterazin. Is it ok for invertebrates? I have multiple snail species that I don't want to lose either.
  5. LicianDragon

    Deteriorating Hi-Fin Molly!

    I have a 5 month old female hi-fin molly that has been deteriorating over the past couple weeks. She's gone from being active, always swimming with my tiger platy and female guppies, to staying by herself with her fins clamped at the top of the water. Her swimming is becoming more shaky with...
  6. LicianDragon

    Cardinal Plant And Banana Plant Not Doing Well?

    I've got plenty of nutrients. I'm starting to think there might be some allelopathy going on between my plants as only these two species are affected. The banana plant has been clinging to life since I put in in the tank(surprisingly it's still going a year later) and the cardinal plant nearly...
  7. LicianDragon

    Cardinal Plant And Banana Plant Not Doing Well?

    I have been doing weekly 35% water changes. I'm going to try cutting back and keep an eye on my water chemistry. 
  8. LicianDragon

    Cardinal Plant And Banana Plant Not Doing Well?

    I have t   I have the lights on 12 hours a day normally. I'll try dosing some CO2 and see if that helps. It is weird. I don't think it's nutrients as I have plants that are far more nutrient dependent and they're doing just fine. How do I go about increasing NO3?
  9. LicianDragon

    Cardinal Plant And Banana Plant Not Doing Well?

    I don't add fertilizer no. I use a substrate specifically for planted aquariums so I don't have to add it. It's eco-complete plant substrate.
  10. LicianDragon

    Cardinal Plant And Banana Plant Not Doing Well?

    I have a 20gal planted community tank. I use two 18watt flouri-glo lightbulbs and eco-complete substrate. All plants are doing fine except my cardinal and banana plant. The cardinal plant has spots of discoloration, like the leaves have been damaged. The banana plant's leaves constantly wilt and...
  11. LicianDragon

    Guppy Tails Being Torn Up Again!

        Which then makes it too cold for the Corys, Sand Loach, Molly and Guppies? They are already at their minimum temperature now, ideally you want 25/26 not 22/23. The platy I guess can deal with temperate conditions but I am assuming there isn't a really high turnover rate in the tank adequate...
  12. LicianDragon

    Guppy Tails Being Torn Up Again!

    Filter is a HOB Aqueon that came with the tank for initial setup. Yes this is final stocking. I had more julii's but a number of them have passed and none of my LFS are carrying them at the time. My temp is actually a little to high concerning the hillstream loach, I need to drop it another 2...
  13. LicianDragon

    Guppy Tails Being Torn Up Again!

    I have a 20 gallon planted community tank. Fish include-   3 female guppies 1 male guppy 1 hifin molly 1 red-tiger platy 1 red-tail sand loach 3 julii cory cats 1 hillstream loach   I've had issues with fin tearing before that was attributed to an overstocked tank. The tank is fine now but my...
  14. LicianDragon

    Resources For Setting Up A Paludarium?

    And that'll be ok for regular plants?
  15. LicianDragon

    Resources For Setting Up A Paludarium?

    I love the look of paludariums and have always wanted to create one but I can't find any good sources that explain the process. Some of the ones I've seen have potting soil in the above ground part but I'd be worried about anything leeching from that potting soil into the water and possibly...
  16. LicianDragon

    Not Sure Where To Go From Here

    Thanks! Yeah, I agree it's a little cluttered. I might rearrange them closer to the other rocks in a sort of "pile" next water change and move the plants over to the left.
  17. LicianDragon

    Not Sure Where To Go From Here

    Ok, sorry for the bad quality, all I have is the camera in my phone. I did away with the moss walls, they weren't growing very well and my fish kept finding ways behind or inside them and dying. I moved my water sprite, water wysteria, to the back and moved the larger rock up. I think it looks...
  18. LicianDragon

    Raising Mosquito Larvae

    The containers I've collected from where deep, still tons of gunk.  I "filtered" out some of the water through my net so it's still the color of green pea soup but "clean" and collected some egg rafts and put it all in a bottle. I'll try it this way for now. =)
  19. LicianDragon

    Raising Mosquito Larvae

    Summer is nearly here and with it  are the mosquito's. Thought I'd start a culture for my tropical tank as some nice live food. There are plenty outside now in standing water but the water is absolutely filthy and any attempt to net them out results in a net full of gunk that I really don't want...
  20. LicianDragon

    Feeding A Freshwater Indian Pipefish?

    Thanks for the link! The tank was set up for 9 months before I added the pipefish. The worker at the fs told me a heap of live blackworms would suffice and I also had a brine shrimp culture going too. Just didn't eork in time I guess.....
  21. LicianDragon

    Not Sure Where To Go From Here

    Yes I am trimming. The taller plants in the back are newer and haven't been trimmed yet. The moss wall didn't work out at all. My fish kept getting themselves stuck in it or behind it so I took it out... I have the whole thing rearranged now that I moved it back home and will post an updated...
  22. LicianDragon

    Feeding A Freshwater Indian Pipefish?

    *edit* Nevermind. The pipefish died. Gonna try and return him tomorrow.....   I recently set up a new tank with a freshwater indian pipefish. I added blackworms to the tank intially which the worker at the store told me he'd eat. I'm having trouble getting brine shrimp to hatch for me right now...
  23. LicianDragon

    How Often Should I Feed A Freshwater Pipe Fish?

    I recently set up a new tank with a freshwater indian pipefish. I'm raising brine shrimp for him right now but I'm not sure how often I should feed him. I'm hoping to train him to take freeze dried foods eventually but for the time being, how often should I add more live food to the tank?
  24. LicianDragon

    All My Fish Are Dying Help!

    Can't afford them
  25. LicianDragon

    Where To Buy Freshwater Live Copepods?

    Thanks! I'll look in that!
  26. LicianDragon

    Not Sure Where To Go From Here

    I am yes, but sadly, it seems only the moss on the side of the tank is growing. I might move some of the plants back being the rocks. What do you guys think of tying pennywort to the mesh and "train" it to grow horizontally? Kind of creating a wall of it in the back?
  27. LicianDragon

    Where To Buy Freshwater Live Copepods?

    I'm trying to get a culture of freshwater copepods going for my fish but I can't seem to find any site that sells them live, they're all marine! I've not had very much luck finding them outside either, though it might just be to early in the season.   Anyone know of a site that sells LIVE...
  28. LicianDragon

    Is Mardel Antibacterial Safe For Snails?

    My weather loach just died. On closer inspection, his the area around his gills was red and inflamed. The base of his caudal fins were also red. He'd been acting funny for a long while now. It started when he got stuck behind a tank decoration. I don't think it was for very long and there were...
  29. LicianDragon

    Is Mardel Antibacterial Safe For Snails?

    There's nothing on the label about harming inverts. I believe what my platy has is contagious but I'm not sure. He has an ulcer on his side, near his tail. It's red and inflamed with the scales being white around the edges.    I just took my weather loach out as well. His fins are clamped. He's...
  30. LicianDragon

    Is Mardel Antibacterial Safe For Snails?

    I have a container I can move him too, I don't have an airstone though. I diluted the treatment for the container size and I'm going to see how he does in here for about an hour or so.
  31. LicianDragon

    Is Mardel Antibacterial Safe For Snails?

    I noticed this morning that one of my tiger platies has a bacterial infection on his side. I bought some mardel to treat him but I don't want to treat my whole tank if it'll kill my snails. I have malaysian trumpets, ramshorns, and pond snails.   If I need to treat him outside the tank, what's...
  32. LicianDragon

    What Kind Of Loach Is This?

    Yes! It was a Schistura mahnerti Thanks!
  33. LicianDragon

    All My Fish Are Dying Help!

    I already take my water to the lfs(it's where I work) and we do paper tests.
  34. LicianDragon

    What Kind Of Loach Is This?

    No, this guy was thinner with a smaller, more distinct head. The stripes are more reticulated.
  35. LicianDragon

    What Kind Of Loach Is This?

    I recently saw an interesting loach in  a doctor's office aquarium. It was about 3 inches long, brown body color that faded to yellow near the tail with vertical strips, sort of like a tiger. It was fairly long bodied(longer and thinner than most botia's I've seen but not serpentine like a...
  36. LicianDragon

    All My Fish Are Dying Help!

    Stocking looks MUCH better!  So glad the death has stopped.  And as HayzH says, liquid tests are preferable over test strips, because of accuracy (even if yours don't bleed).  The API Master Test Kit, which probably 75% of the members of this forum use (including...
  37. LicianDragon

    Diy Cave

    I didn't know you could do modeling like that with the 3D version of sketchup! I'll have to look into that. I've never thought about making my own aquarium decor, this is something I'm definitely going to have to try this!
  38. LicianDragon

    All My Fish Are Dying Help!

    Sorry, I meant to say that I'm using paper test strips to check my ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate levels. I can't afford the liquid tests right now.
  39. LicianDragon

    Diy Cave

    This cave is amazing!! I have to ask, what program did you use for the 3D modeling?