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  1. M

    Needle nose gar...

    Ok, thanks anyway. MEz
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    This is a little late so I will just ask if she had them yet??? I didn't get to see any of my fry from my white mollie. They were all eaten so fast. sad. HOw long are they usually pregnant for anyways? anybody? mezo
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    I agree with zachjr_14 and Ob1. Melafix worked great for my mollies half eaten tail. The smell is great! Mezo
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    Needle nose gar...

    I have 2 NNG's and one of them has a bent nose. The very end is bent. It looks like he ran into the glass. It's been this way for a couple weeks now. I thought it would fix on it's own but the poor thing is still bent. He eats fine, He's about 6 inches long and I have a 55 gallon tank. What's...
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    Rocks in my tank

    I have a 55 gallon tank with 2 needlenose gar (both about 6 inces long) 2 white mollies 1 cory 2 ?? catfish 5 plecos and 3 other fish that I don't know what they are they kinda look like they have flames on their fins and tail. Anyways, I Was thinking about changing the rocks in the...
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    Help-my molly may be on her death bed

    I'm not sure what to do. I have a 55 gallon tank with about 15 fish in it, Including a molly(male) that I've had since the beginning and a molly(female) I added about a week ago. She was pregnant and had her babies about 1 day ago. Tonight I noticed most of her beautiful tail was gone and there...
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    My Black mollies....and others

    Thank you! :D
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    My Black mollies....and others

    Hey this is Mezoblue- I have great news!!! I finally got my tank under control. It's quite sad I had to lose a needle nose gar, a cory, 3 mollies, and a $20 dollar fish that I have no idea what it was. All the readings are way better than they were. Here they are: Nitrate-between 20 and 40...