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  1. M

    My Pregnant Guppy, Molly, & Platy Journal

    Those are great pictures! Everyone looks to be doing really well. :)
  2. M

    Male Japanese Blue Grass Guppy

    Now that picture truly shows off those colors! That is an amazing picture Noor! :good:
  3. M

    Male Japanese Blue Grass Guppy

    That is a handsome Guppy! I prefer the first picture, because it draws your attention directly towards the fish. I think trying a pure black background may look even better though. If you decide to try that, please post a picture.
  4. M

    Male Betta And African Dwarf Frogs

    Response to SamDev: As others have said, it really depends on the personality of the fish and the frogs. Another idea that you can try would be to add more plants and hiding spots to see if they may get along. It may help to clear the situation up, because they would each feel more like they...
  5. M

    My Pregnant Guppy, Molly, & Platy Journal

    I really enjoyed reading your journal so far. You are taking great care of all of your fish! I remember at one point I had a small tank with about 30 little fry in it. I eventually had to take them to my local fish store, but I loved having them. It is really exciting to see what colors they...
  6. M

    T.v Programmes Favourite?

    My fiancee and I have gotten into a lot of different t.v. series together and we have introduced some series to one another. Here is a list of my favorite shows. Grimm (Fantasy) - It is on t.v. now, so if you like this genre I encourage you to check it out. Charmed (Fantasy) Buffy (Fantasy)...
  7. M

    Betta Life

    It seems like everyone else has answered all of your questions, except for the one about the mirror. I personally am not a big fan of putting mirrors into the tank, as I believe it causes stress and it seems like you feel the same way. Also, I just had to add that Spike, Xander, and Cordelia...
  8. M

    Hello World And Fluval Edge 12 Gallon Stocking.

    First of all, welcome to the forums! I just arrived here myself. In my opinion, the fish would most likely get along, but here is what may be an even better plan. 3 Guppy - These will be fine in your tank, just be sure to watch out for breeding! 5 Kuhli Loach - They will eventually outgrow...
  9. M

    Meet My Mouse

    Cool, I am sure he is going to be a lot of fun to have in your life. :)
  10. M

    Meet My Mouse

    Fabio is very cute! How long have you had him?
  11. M


    Your tank looks awesome! I really like the way that you chose to set it up. I just have two questions. What size tank is it? Also, what exact fish do you have in the tank? I am asking because I think the Goldfish will get too big for that tank, depending on what size it is. I bet the...
  12. M

    Anyone Keep Bonsai?

    I love bonsai trees, but unfortunately I do not have one right now. My fiancee got me one for my birthday a couple of years ago and I tried to take care of it, but it died after about a year or so. I think the main problem was that we trimmed the roots back way too far, though we thought what...
  13. M

    Help! Compatible Fish With Tiger Barbs

    If I were you, I would not get any Dwarf Gouramis or other fish with long fins. Tiger Barbs have a bit of a reputation for fin-nipping and I remember having problems with them in my old tank, even though they were only babies. I would suggest a nice group of albino or peppered cory catfish...
  14. M

    Few Shots To Share

    I love all three pictures. The first is very calm, while the second looks like he is in fighting form. The Black Chin is a really nice looking fish too, especially when the male is colored up. Also, that is a lot of lighting, but I can imagine that you need very good lighting in order to get...
  15. M


    I really like the pineapple swordtail, the marigold wag swordtail, and the red wag swordtail. All of those species are fairly easy to find, look amazing, and would fit well in your tank. You may want to get three females though, or else you will probably end up having many swordtail babies...
  16. M

    New Guppy Species

    I agree, they do look like peacocks. I like their tails the most and overall their coloring is very brilliant, but muted and not "in your face."
  17. M

    New Tank Possibility

    Thank you Lefty, your advice was very helpful. I really like the idea of both tank 1 and tank 3 the best. Tank 4 did seem a bit overcrowded and tank 2 did not appeal to me as much. I was planning on at least getting a bigger filtration system, especially if I did tank 4, but now it is down to...
  18. M

    New Tank Possibility

    Thank you both for your advice. I have included an updated list of the fish that I am thinking about for the tank based upon your advice and further research that I have been doing tonight, since I have forgotten quite a bit since the last time I owned a tank. Updated List: -Betta -Pygmy...
  19. M

    New Tank Possibility

    I am in the process of researching what I may be able to keep comfortably in a 10 gallon tank, if I decide to get one. This tank will/would not be my first tank, but it has been a while since I have had a fish tank set up so any advice you all can give me would be appreciated. My fiancee is on...
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    What Got You Into Fish Keeping ?

    I first got into the hobby of keeping pet fish when I was very young. I have always had a fascination with keeping all sorts of pets, so I decided that I would give fish a try too. I was too young to give my fish the best care possible, but I began by keeping a betta. As I got older I...
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    Hey Everyone, I am new to the forums, but I am not new to the hobby of taking care of tropical fish. My fiancee and I are living in an apartment and I am hoping to convince her that we really "need" a small tropical fish tank (probably 5-10 gallons). :D Right now we have a male hound puppy...