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  1. Stingraey

    Balloon Molly Cataract?

    she died that night. then i woke up this morning and my guarami;s were dead two :( i am going to replace my water and get some medication tomorrow to treat the water
  2. Stingraey

    Balloon Molly Cataract?

    sorry i took it with my phone and she kept moving. it is just has come white kind of gunk on her eye which sticks out. it is worse this morning as it has started closing in around her eye. it is not inside the eye b ut on the outside. i dont knwo if it is fungi but i only cleaned the tank a...
  3. Stingraey

    Balloon Molly Cataract?

    i woke up this morning to find my pregnant balloon molly with a clump over half her eye. She can still see but is restricted seeing in front of her. I am guessing it is a cataract but i have never experienced a fish with this before. what can i do about this? I have attached a picture. i...
  4. 2012-10-29 10.28.jpg

    2012-10-29 10.28.jpg

  5. Stingraey

    Gouramis And Bettas

    okay then, thanks! and yes. This tank is big enough at the moment but i plan to get a bigger one when the time arises
  6. Stingraey

    Gouramis And Bettas

    I know it says to use caution when it comes to gouramis and bettas but i want to know if i can put them together. i have a 50L tank with 2 dwarf gouramis and one kissing gourami. They all get along great. Is it possible to put a male betta in the tank?
  7. Stingraey

    Can Anyone Identify The Breed?

    thanks, haha is it possible for guppies to be the dad and mollies to be the mum? all my guppies are male i am pretty sure. hard to tell with the blue cobra ones though. :)
  8. Stingraey


    Size of tank in gallons or litres? 26L How many fish and which type? 1 dwarf gourami. 1 dwarf coral blue gourami. 1 honey gourami. 1 kissing gourami. 4 guppies. 2 balloon mollies. 1 juli cat fish Water stats in ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, and ph?no idea at the moment. no kits present What do you...
  9. Stingraey

    Flashing Since Water Change

    that was the next thing i was going to ask. If you treated the water you changed. Did you put the right amount in for the water quantity?
  10. Stingraey

    Flashing Since Water Change

    hmmm i believe that this attitude is an indication of Ectoparasite infestation. But could (but not likely) be caused by a metal present that irritates the fish.
  11. Stingraey


    Honey Guorami is sick. Still swimming and acting fine but his tummy is bloated. One side more than the other. Please help me identify what is wrong with him. Is it Bloat? picture:!122&authkey=!AGiNxdnFfMXsY08
  12. Stingraey

    Can Anyone Identify The Breed?

    hahah thankyou, you are the first person that has spoken to me. congratulations :L going through my fish tank i think i have found a male and female pair. The fish shop assured me they were all male :L imagine my reaction when i found these lol ill post a picture up of the maybe "parents"...
  13. Stingraey

    9/10/2012 - night - Found fry in tank

    9/10/2012 - night - Found fry in tank
  14. Stingraey

    Can Anyone Identify The Breed?!120&authkey=!AGowA5aQ2uGcIME ^^^^ I think they are balloon mollies but i am not sure. Can anyone identify the breed. iwoke up to these critters in my tank with no eggs.