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  1. T

    Dovii Tank Size?

    A bit like the difference between free range and battery farming i suppose......
  2. T

    Dovii Tank Size?

    I Completely agree! Just because the fish is breeding, doesn't mean that it suddenly has less requirements than if it was not breeding. Discus are a shoaling fish anyway from what i have read so they shouldn't be kept in just pairs
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    Dovii Tank Size?

    Ah okay, i see. Just a question out of curiosity really, thanks for the replies.
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    Dovii Tank Size?

    I was read that a male dovii cichlid can live in an 8 foot tank for life, yet it grows to 2 feet, meaning that the tank is only therefore 4 times the length of the fish. This being the case, why can a fully grown 10 inch jack dempsey not live in a 40 inch tank?
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    Small Oddball

    Won't the barbs nip its fins?
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    Small Oddball

    Hi, i'm looking for some sort of oddball to go in my tank along with my tiger barbs and my ram. I don't want to go above 3 inches and would prefer if it was a surface dwelling fish. It doesnt actually have to be an oddball, just so long as it is interesting and can be kept alone Any ideas?
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    Cichlid Tank

    Yeah we have moved off topic a bit, those mbunas are really something but i think going central american gives me a lot more options and would be much easier. Theres always the next tank though lol I'll just have to find a way of justifying a 4th tank to mother...... Thanks very much for all...
  8. T

    Cichlid Tank

    So adding a thin layer of sand over the top of the gravel would be enough? how much limestone should i use? also what should be my male/female ratio? i imagine you're starting to get fed up with me by now lol. I'd rather ask loads and annoy you opposed to not asking enough and annoying the fish.
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    Cichlid Tank

    Well the tank isn't setup yet so i don't know.. I get my water for my other two tanks tested at my lfs for free. its pretty much neutral.
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    Cichlid Tank

    8 of each! I'll definately consider going african then. I hear many people use crushed coral substrate to raise ph, is this essential? if so then i wont be able to get them. My parents are getting me gravel along with the filter and heater for my 16th birthday on wednesday.
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    Cichlid Tank

    I meant i would get EITHER a HRP, Sajica or Firemouth to go with the cutteri, NOT all 3. Salvini's are beautiful but as you said, its hit and miss. I would rather not risk it unless you know anything that is highly likely to work well with one. What mbunas could i get? i thought i would only be...
  12. T

    Cichlid Tank

    I 've done a bit of research and it says that rainbow cichlids like large groups of around 5 some even say 8! if so i'll get a sajica/HRS/firemouth to go with the cutteri instead. Also, do you know of any other good places to order them from, the link you gave me are sold out of cutteri. I also...
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    Cichlid Tank

    Okay thanks everyone, i'm going down today to see what they have in stock. Cant wait till i have everything finally setup
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    Cichlid Tank

    How do you go about ordering online? do you simply order them and have them delivered to your door like anything else. It seems weird having a living thing as a package.
  15. T

    Cichlid Tank

    I thought Buenos Aires Tetra's were south american? if they arent i'll probably go with them instead of the blind caves, i imagine my mum will be freaked out by them lol. As to where abouts i am, i live in the south east England...
  16. T

    Cichlid Tank

    Wow, thats a beautiful fish, and tank! I am leaning towards a CA setup as opposed to a SA one so i think i am either going to go with... 1 Sajica or HRP 1 Firemouth 8 Blind Cave Tetras Or.... 1 Cutteri 1 Rainbow 6 Blind Cave Tetras 3 Swordtails I'll have to go and see tomorrow if my lfs...
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    Cichlid Tank

    Just did a quick search on google; they are all really nice looking fish, i particularly like the Cutteri. What can i keep them with in terms of cichlids?
  18. T

    Cichlid Tank

    Oh right my mistake, i read on a fact file that HRP's also have the orange bellies. I haven't seen or even heard of Cryptoheros Altoflavus so it might be difficult tracking some down, my lfs only stocks the more common species. i'll be sure to look them up anyway though, thanks for the idea.
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    Bristlenose Plecos

    The peas will sink to the bottom of the tank, good luck my bristlenoses won't touch anything other than Hikari algae wafers.
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    Cichlid Tank

    Don't worry, i've done loads of research! males of both species will have red, elongated fins whereas females won't, males will also develop the humps on there foreheads. i also read that female honduran red point have orange bellies if there are any other ways of telling though, please let me know
  21. T

    Cichlid Tank

    Alright then i'll just pick 2, i'm just going by what others have said and thereverendturtle turtle seems quite knowledgeable. i guess in terms of cichlids, 34 gallon is rather small afterall, my apologies. This being the case would these setups be okay? SA Setup 1 Blue Acara 1 Festivum 8...
  22. T

    Cichlid Tank

    Okay then so my current ideas are SA Setup with.... 1 Blue Acara 1 Festivum 1 Cupid 8 Tetras of some sort Or... CA Setup with 1 Fire Mouth 1 Sajica 1 Honduran Red Spot? (just looked it up, apparently its relatively peaceful) 8 Tetras of some sort Thanks guys this is great you have been...
  23. T

    Cichlid Tank

    funny you saying that because i already have 2 keyholes in my 20 gallon.They are fantastic fish aren't they, in fact they are the reason i want cichlids for my 34 gallon. Any other ideas instead of keyholes? sorry i know i must seem hard to please
  24. T

    Cichlid Tank

    Ah well okay thats disappointing but thanks anyway. Once again though i can NOT have a pair so are there any cichlid combinations that would work? surely there must be at least two or three mid sized cichlids that are compatible in a tank of my size.... Thanks for replies anyhow
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    Cichlid Tank

    Or instead of that could i do a central american setup with a convict, a sajica and a firemouth seen as they are not as aggressive
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    Cichlid Tank

    Actually you didn't answer my question, you simply said no and did not give me any alternative ideas... What am i meant to say to that? I really don't mean to be rude but i am desperate for some ideas and it is very hard to choose who to beleive with all of this conflicting advice. Thank you...
  27. T

    Bristlenose Pleco Eggs

    My original pair of bristlenose plecos were always breeding, i have sold about 20 large ones and my 18 and 15 gallons are still filled with them. Anyway after the male died breeding obviously stopped. This morning however i woke up to find a cluster of orange eggs lying in the gravel! I assumed...
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    German Blue Ram Questions.

    I feed my ram a flake food twice a day with the occasional bloodworm treat (usually once a week)Frozen is better than freeze dried because they have a higher nutrtional value, it's like the difference between fresh meat from a butcher and chicken nuggets. I wouldn't know how many pellets to feed...
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    How To Sex Angelfish?

    I have a book that says even the fish themselves sometimes struggle to tell the differenece between sexes lol
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    Cichlid Tank

    Well the jewel and the convict actually grow to about 5-6 inches but i wouldn't imagine that it would make too much difference anyway. I'm pretty good when it comes to water changes and i'll get a decent filter to avoid any water quality problems. Are there any good tips other than decor to...
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    Cichlid Tank

    I don't mean to be rude but that doesn't really help me at all. I'd rather you told me what i can do rather than what i can't.
  32. T

    Cichlid Tank

    Thats a nice looking fish but i thought they were meant to be extremely aggressive, or is that only when breeding? Could i keep it with both a convict and a jewel or did you mean keep it with one or the other. You spelt it correctly by the way lol
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    Bluefin Notho Killifish

    Sorry i have been gone for a while, just wanted to say thanks, im actually probably going to avoid them afterall. i am going to substitute it for another ram but thanks anyway
  34. T

    Cichlid Tank

    I asked a similar question before on this forum before but i am going to ask again because i really can't decide on what to get. I said that i had interest in a jewel, a convict and a blue acara but was told they were not compatible so i have decided against those three. Someone then suggested a...
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    Bluefin Notho Killifish

    Ok thanks, i want to get either 1 male or a male and two females to finish off my community. btw are they surface or mid water swimmers. Thanks again for the help.
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    Bluefin Notho Killifish

    A reply some time this week would be nice lol
  37. T

    Totally New At Predators. Read A Lot. Seems Cool.

    Senegal bichirs, elephant noses, red wolf fish, african butterfly fish, bush fish, puffers, peacock eels.... There are many predatory options for a 55 gallon. obviously do not put all of of the ones i mentioned in together but you can certainly mix and match a few. You may have to do some...
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    Predatory Fish

    Ah right, ok then, i didn't know that.
  39. T

    Predatory Fish

    lol i can see i'm not going to win this argument, are you sure about the gars though, i read that some only get to 20cm.... or did i just read something wrong?
  40. T

    Killifish Ok For My Tank?

    Yeah i'd imagine it would be ok. Watch out for any aggression though between the gourami and killifish (if they are male) but both species are generally peaceful.