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  1. L

    cant use the chat for some reason so if you tried writting to me i aint ignoring you :)

    cant use the chat for some reason so if you tried writting to me i aint ignoring you :)
  2. L

    Unwanted Red Crabs (possibly Red Claw)

    The classic fish shop lie haha how big is your crab they can live pretty well ina tropical tank for suprisingly long ive had mine about 6 months now but had to change tanks recently as he found a good hiding spot to wait for fish and caught 2 of my platys.
  3. L

    Would This Stocking Work?

    I have 4 tetras and 4 barb 2 tigers and 2 green tiger and they dont stay in the same place the barbs are happy to be anywere in the tank always chasing eachother round. They dont really have a preference of were they stay aslong as theres another one close to them:) so dont rule them out just...
  4. L

    The Petco Bookshelf Aquarium: Prepping For Cherry Shrimp Colony

    Hi was just reading through and saw this. I also uesd bottled bacteria when starting my 25 gallon tank but a different one to you. It took about 3 days for my water to be ok for a few hardy fish to be added and then with theese my water condition were perfect in no time and my tank is looking...