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  1. A

    I Feel Awful

    thanks, its real hard
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    Cold, Cold Tank

    yeah id love too!
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    Cold, Cold Tank

    if you'd like i can send you my heater and it can explode and heat everything up again......
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    I Feel Awful

    Well, today my sister came home from college and was eager to see my baby Red Eared Sliders, until she looked and only found one. so, assuming it somehow got into the filter, i looked. nope. i cleaned my room: nope. i looked if the cats had him. nope. at this point the is presumed dead and i...
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    Cold, Cold Tank

    well, my heater just got recalled for spontaneous combustion. heaters are tricky things!
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    Best Tropical Fish For A Noob ?

    remeber, its hard to keep bettas with many other fish. do you know about cycling?
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    Cold, Cold Tank

    replug the heater and give the tank a little while to warm up
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    Stealth Recall

    uh-oh... somebody has to call marineland.... <-------------
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    Whoa! Not Good! - Got Virus From This Site!

    i think (just think, not sure) that the universal applications that would be found on windows aren't virus proof, but ive never gotten a virus in 10 years of macs, and i think that mac only applications are invincible.
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    Is This Humane?

    i want fry
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    Whoa! Not Good! - Got Virus From This Site!

    nope. i didn't either. BECAUSE I HAVE A MAC
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    What Should I Get?

    thanks! ill look into it. now... when is mothers day? :lol:
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    Think Tap Water Is Clean?

    i hope you don't drink that crap!
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    What Should I Get?

    i just want a betta with a full tail and vivid (red) colors that's easy to care for.
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    What Should I Get?

    well its probably going to be about 5g with only a betta, so im not concerned about fin damage. how much do they go for on average btw? thanks for the reply!
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    Weitzmani Corys?

    ok. i had one and it grew to a mere 1.5 inches!
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    Major Problem.

    dont feed cucumber just unshelled peas. this doesn't sound like bloat to me. it sounds like a parasite.
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    Is This Humane?

    they don't really care about breeding because in my tank it's like sex abuse; they attack females to take their sperm.
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    Favorite Live Culture

    i like brine shrimp
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    Ive Seen It All Now......

    nope. id rather have the jack daniels in it than the fish.
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    ok, 105 gallons, so they definitely have enough room... what else is in the tank?
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    Major Problem.

    dont move anything. that will stress the fish even more.
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    How I Do Love Ebay...

    did all that stuff come with its own LFS?
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    The Ultimate

    nice! i love that one... my faves are the zr and the zt and whatever replaced the zt Hey! No peeing in the pool!
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    What Should I Get?

    Hi all. Don't tell my mom (lol you don't know her anyway), but i want to get her a betta for mothers day. i don't really know what kind i should get, but i like the full tail and in red. i have no experience with bettas, but i hear that they're fairly easy to care for. what would you reccommend?
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    Major Problem.

    dropsy usually means the fish get fat and their scales are pineconed. sounds like a parasite. any pics?
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    its a little different. but it doesn't have the "new threads" on the right side of the homepage! was the virus all those spams that made new threads about unrelated stuff?
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    nice to meet you too!
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    can't find the pics i took and my camera's crap! maybe i can try my best...

    can't find the pics i took and my camera's crap! maybe i can try my best...
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    The Ultimate

    i love MGs! whats wrong with owning one? they're cool!
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    tank size?
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    Weitzmani Corys?

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    The Ultimate

    he should just make a tank of out his MG! just rip out the seats, silicone the doors, ect.
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    how long were they acclimated? were they acclimated in the first place? how were they acclimated?
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    The Ultimate

    ive heard about it before. this guy is like a lord - has many aquariums, a huge one, interacts with his fish and he drives an MG!
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    Is This Humane?

    PETA ain't my friend! there is nothing inhumane about keeping a fish tank if you know how to take care of it. personally, i like the animal liberation front better.