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    I've kept freshwater tropicals for a long time, but wanted to transition to either a brackish or marine tank. What is the minimal gallon-count needed to create a reef-environment? Thanks...
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    The Light

    The best thing to remember is consistency. Whether the lights or on for 8 hours or 10 hours won't make much of a difference. But just like humans, fish need day and night. What could make things considerably complex is if you have plants- the more light the better...but then you have to...
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    5 Gallon Tank

    Hmm... thanks for the vital info. Any ideas on what to do? Or should I just stick to some safer bets?
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    African Cichlids

    I am not knowledgable of the difference between the two types....I have not set the tank up yet, so hardness and ph are unavail. Is there a benefit to keeping one over the other? Thanks.
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    5 Gallon Tank

    I am a tropical fish enthusiast who is going away to college. I will be living in an apartment-style dorm for the year. I have a five gallon tank that is currently not being used, and would love to bring it to school with me. Feeding during breaks will not be a problem, as I could just...
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    African Cichlids

    Yea, I figured that may be the case. I have no problem purchasing a larger tank...probably 25 or 50 gallons....suggestions on setup and the ilk? Thanks guys!!!
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    African Cichlids

    I have been keeping tropical fish for years, and maintain a ten-gallon community tank. I am looking to start an African Cichlid tank. I have a 5 gallon tank that is currently unused...would that be suitable? What steps should I take? How many specimens would you say could live in it? Thank you!