Search results

  1. Wreckzone

    Sick Neon Tetra

    Hi everyone,   I have a 6 gallon tank with 4 neon tetras living in it at the moment. About 9 months ago I lost a neon tetra when my water quality got low due to rotting plants. I believe the neon tetra had parasites because when it died (I watched the whole thing happen) it released a bunch of...
  2. Wreckzone

    Low Light Tall Plants

    The 6 gallon is only 8.75 inches tall so you're right Charlie. I'm going to stick to midground plants so I'm leaning towards different types of crypts. I don't mind pruning often either so I'll look at a few stems.   Thanks for the advice everyone!
  3. Wreckzone

    Low Light Tall Plants

    I've got the 6 gallon fluval edge and as you all may or may not know, the corners of the tank get very little light. I would like to fill the corners in with tall, low light plants, preferably plants that look like grass, or bushy looking (I'm going for the jungle look). And no, I don't need...
  4. Wreckzone

    Cabomba Rotting At Stem

    Hi everyone,   Who has experience with cabombas? I purchased a group of 12 about 3 months ago and I only have about 3 or 4 left.    The problem I have is the cabombas seem to be rotting at the base just above the substrate which causes the plant to float up to the top. There are some new growth...
  5. Wreckzone

    Planarians Attacked Neon Tetra

    Thanks for responding everyone and thanks for the welcome Fish Crazy    About two months ago I went crazy on plants and purchased a big batch of cabombas for my fish to hide in. They seemed to love swimming in it. I have a video of them swimming in it:   The...
  6. Wreckzone

    Planarians Attacked Neon Tetra

    Hi everyone,   I'm new to the forum and I signed up today to specifically ask (and warn) about planarian.   Last night I witnessed a horrible, terrifying scene, but I'll get to that in a minute.   My 6 gallon Fluval Edge was hit with a fungus outbreak a few month ago and two of my five neon...