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  1. Fishfaced

    Good Morning from New England!

    Afternoon from the original England.. Cute little critter :fish::good::hi:
  2. Fishfaced


    Funny you say that. Last time I had salmon parcels they tasted like dirt lol. Like the fish had been bottom feeding.
  3. Fishfaced


    Hmmm intriguing lol
  4. Fishfaced

    Is this normal?

    Thank you!:thanks:
  5. Fishfaced

    Is this normal?

    Would you remove the mould?
  6. Fishfaced

    Is this normal?

    I did initially think of a small mesh pouch. I just didn't know how best to make sure it was clean enough to go in the tank.
  7. Fishfaced

    Is this normal?

    That's an idea. How about those stick on pellets, would they be a better alternative to flakes?
  8. Fishfaced

    Glass bottles in your tank..?

    Thanks. Yea I'll keep an eye on that when cleaning. Do you think if a shrimp went in they'd get back out?
  9. Fishfaced


    I'll give that a watch. Kinda don't want to be put of fish cause it's so tasty and healthy.
  10. Fishfaced

    Is this normal?

    I was going to use a prawn but I heard your house starts smelling like a fish mongers. Didn't like the thought of that. I'll see about getting the pellets.
  11. Fishfaced

    Is this normal?

    Hmmm got two bits of advice that don't agree...? Crap.. what to do....?
  12. Fishfaced

    Glass bottles in your tank..?

    I've stuck a Kraken Rum bottle in my tank, simply for a bit of decor. Good idea or not?
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  15. Fishfaced

    Is this normal?

    I'm using fish flakes for a fishless cycle. These tiny mould like spaws have appeared (Green fluff) Would you remove them or leave it run it's course?
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  19. Fishfaced

    Here's Design #1 - What do you think about this Back Left Corner - Light Grey - 40+ gallon rock?

    It's a good idea. I like the design, is it available in different sizes and colours?
  20. Fishfaced

    Water Hardness - Stocking

    Cool, won't have to watch them break dancing on your floor :good:
  21. Fishfaced

    Water Hardness - Stocking

    Stunning little fish them. Does your tank have a lid? These could potentially jump out.
  22. Fishfaced


    I'll keep this is mind, thanks for your advice.
  23. Fishfaced


    Thanks. I've heard of people using garlic cloves and increased temperature as a natural treatment for white spot. Would you recommend this or...?
  24. Fishfaced


    Cool, think I'll get the 2 in 1 like yourself.
  25. Fishfaced


    Morning bud, So do I only need one of these as a worming med?
  26. Fishfaced


    I'll be stocking my tank soon. Wondering what are the most common diseases to lookout for? What medication should I have in, ready for an emergency? UK
  27. Fishfaced

    Maybe a bit creepy!

    This is true
  28. Fishfaced

    Mixing breeds

    It will just be a few so I'll wait. I'll buy them the same day as the fish.
  29. Fishfaced

    Gunk on airlines

    Yea I think that's what I'll do.. cheers
  30. Fishfaced

    Mixing breeds

    Yea I want some real plants so these will be my starting point. Should I wait until it's fully cycled or will adding them soon be ok and not disrupt the cycle too much?
  31. Fishfaced

    Maybe a bit creepy!

    Me and my fiancee in York. Pimm's for the lady, refreshing pint for myself :drinks:
  32. Fishfaced

    Mixing breeds

    Thanks I'll definitely try this
  33. Fishfaced

    Mixing breeds

    I'm using fish flakes which I now regret. Ammonia has finally dropped but it's hard to know how much food to add to get it back up. Unfortunately I'm going to have to add fish slowly because of this method.
  34. Fishfaced

    Gunk on airlines

    Ok. As it's a new tank cycling I was just a bit concerned. Is it bad? get rid. Is it beneficial? leave it. It looks like something I don't really need to worry about. He hopes.
  35. Fishfaced

    New Here

    Hi, :hi: you'll get some good advice here. Good set of friendly people. I'm a newbie to the hobby but happy to help where I can.
  36. Fishfaced

    Quarantine Tank, Diagnosis & Treatment

    True yea, makes sense. I just thought you could medicate the main tank and once done dona water change and bit ofna clean up. I think I end up confusing myself sometimes. Best to just keep it simple and follow experienced advice lol
  37. Fishfaced

    Mixing breeds

    Possibly, I think you can also add a seachem product that temporary neutralises the ammonia. I'm just trying to avoid headaches ya know.