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  1. S

    "small" Pleco To Complinment 2 Bn's

    mmm alright thank you for the heads up on that one, they had an interesting "face" structure, but i'll definitely be looking into one of the striped species, i think they would look good with the black skirt tetras, bolivians, and flag.
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    "small" Pleco To Complinment 2 Bn's

    mmm i never knew that some species were omnivores! I have a better knowledge of cichlids than catfish but after watching my bn's swim around i might have caught the bug. I don't plan on buying online so i'd have to check my lfs' to see what stock is available. i remember seeing rubber plecos...
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    "small" Pleco To Complinment 2 Bn's

    the bottom two species are absolutely amazing looking. they'd be a show piece of my tank, they wouldn't have any troubles with bolivian rams and a flag cichlid correct??
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    "small" Pleco To Complinment 2 Bn's

    I have a 55 gallon tank, and have just fallen in love with my bn plecos, thinking of changing around my stocking list and getting one more slightly larger pleco, any suggestions on species? something that would compliment the bn's would be preferred but what's your all's favorite >8 pleco?
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    Cory's And Dwarves

    if i have 6 bolivian rams in a 55 gallon, growing out together, is it possible to have a school of cories? I was originally planning on doing placo's but would rather have another school. I'm just curious if having 12 or so fish all in the bottom would be an issue?
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    Sa "biotope" Plants For Begginer

    i'll look for all these when i go to buy plants tomorrow. I have a noob plant question. it doesn't matter how many plants i put in at once right? like it does with fish? i'm guessing it shouldn't matter but rather be safe than sorry.
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    Sa "biotope" Plants For Begginer

    i was planning on having two or three amazon swords as a focal point in the back right of my tank. i can't seem to find anything else. if i must i'll break the biotope idea just in the greenery. but like i said i'd like to keep it somewhat regional at the most.
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    Sa "biotope" Plants For Begginer

    I'm just curious what you guys would suggest for a planted 55 "biotope" aquarium. I'm having bolivian rams, tetras, and catfish so nothing to destructive of plants. looking for good low light plants that would fill the back of the aquarium, and something to cover the bed. my only request is...
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    55 G Sa

    yes, having bolivians i was only going to ad a few leaves. but i'll definitely look into those plants you mentioned. my goal with the plants is to do mostly low light plants. i already have a play sand bottom(love the color of the sand) and a few rocks placed. soaking some driftwood. my...
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    Color Morph School

    haha thank you very much, i think that'd be interesting having specimens of each different morph in one school. sorta what i'm thinking of going for. Thanks for the help.
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    55 G Sa

    thanks for the plant info, do you have pictures of the tank/plants? and if you don't mind me asking what variety of apisto do you have?
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    Color Morph School

    I'm in the process of doing a SA biotope tank, and black skirt tetras are my upper-middle strata fish. I saw some white skirt tetras at the fish store. Planning on doing a large (20-30) specimen school in this aquarium, i was wondering if i had 5 of the white skirt individuals in the tank if...
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    55 G Sa

    I'm going to look into a different variety of pleco. But the bolivians are in. For tetras i'm going to do 20 black skirt tetras, and maybe 10 hatchet fish. Could anyone help with some low light plants that are biotope specific?
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    55 G Sa

    Here's my plans just running out some ideas. 55 gallon planting with biotope correct plant. fish as follows -6 Bolivian rams or 2 Bolivians and a trio of appistos -1 keyhole or similar size cichlid as somewhat of a center piece -2 bristle nose plecos -20-30 bleeding heart or black widow tetras...