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  1. D

    Help Sexing My Celestial Pearl Danios

    Yeah, sorry. I wasn't thinking and I took the video in portrait, so it appears to have been resized to 240x360 on YouTube. Thanks for bringing that picture to my attention again. I've seen it before, but that was actually before I had the fish in the first place, so most of the details from it...
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    Help Sexing My Celestial Pearl Danios

    I know there are a number of resources explaining how to sex these fish, but no matter what I try to look for, mine just all seem the same, which I'm really hoping is not the case. There are four Celestial Pearl Danios in the tank (planning on getting...
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    Sparkling Gourami Fighting

    I'm actually in California. Unfortunately, there's rather a dearth of aquarium shops in my area. I'm planning on going upstate tomorrow, though, and one of the shops up there used to have Celestials, so perhaps I'll be able to get a couple more of those. I'm hoping to upgrade to a 20 gallon...
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    Sparkling Gourami Fighting

    Thank you for the reply. Unfortunately, neither of these giah are regularly stocked in any of the stores near me, I've simply been buying however many I find when they show up one or two at a time, so the gourami would be in the same situation at the store as they were in my tank. I've read...
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    Sparkling Gourami Fighting

    Hello, I recently made an addition of two sparkling gourami to my ten gallon previously dedicated to four celestial pearl danios. They seemed to get along just fine, but I saw the two gourami chasing after each other today and noticed that one of them was missing a ventral fin (the long...