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  1. S

    Freiberg's Peacocks not eating

    We bought a pair of Freiberg's Peacocks to go in our 29 gallon aquarium on Monday evening. In the tank also is one Altolamprologus compressiceps that eats wonderfully, one danio that eats great also, and a golden algae eater. We have tested the water PH, which was approximately 7.8 to 7.9, the...
  2. S

    Sand with stones substrate

    Have a new 29 gallon and bought a 25 lb. bag of leveling sand. It is a darker sand with small stones in it. Put it in the aquarium and the water is cloudy and has been for the past several hours. The sand was washed well prior, but of course all the dust cannot be taken away. We've changed the...
  3. S

    Fish ate eyes off crayfish

    The fish ate the eyes off my crayfish, but the crayfish is still alive and walking about. He is in another tank right now. Is there anything I can do to better care for him and will his eyes grow back in time?